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Time Splitters 2

The best fps on the cube is here with 10 story levels and many challange and arcade modes to keep you busy.You start off in the snow where right at the start you can do some snipering you can then pull out you pistol and head off into the great game.

Graphics Are mostly great I mean I havnt even found a glich yet the great levels are long (If you play on normal mode) and loading time is short about the only thing wrong is in some cut sences the characters dont look very real.

Sound Most of the sound is good however some sounds in the game are a bit stupit and can really bug you.But in the story mode the sound is pretty good apart from the sound traks not being very long and repetive the sound is good.

Game play The best part about time splitters 2 is how fun the game is with heaps of story, challange, arcade and even a map maker make this game one of the best fps on the cube not only that but there are over 100 charaters in the game!

Lastability Time splitters 2 map maker boosts its rating up here the easy to use map maker lets you make you own sp and mp maps in a matter or half an hour also the story mode on hard will take you more than a wile to do.



Game Play:9.7

Lastability:9.1 Final Rating:9.6