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 After yet another commercial break, The Coach is standing by with Kevin Nash.

Coach: Kevin Nash, earlier tonight you talked about how you and Shawn Micheals were once friends but are now bitter enemies. You also said that you wanted nothing more then to beat him to a bloody pulp, do you care to comment?

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Nash: You see, it's like this Coach...We were friends up until that day, the day Shawn Micheals decided that he was better than me. He wanted the lime light, and didn't want to share it with anybody! But you know Coach, I don't even care anymore. All I care about is getting the world title...I don't need nor want Shawn Micheals!

Coach: I see...How about this match that you've agreed with? Matt Hardy once again wants a shot at you. But, this time he has a special stipulation planned. Any idea what it is?

Nash: Matt Hardy is just mad because he can't beat Big Sexy! He got his ass kicked once, and he's gonna get it kicked once again!