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Critical Acclaim

Since Demon Seed came out in 1973 Dean Koontz has been continuously praised by critics. He has had over a dozen books reach number one on the New York Bestseller List, which is quite an accomplishment. He has also received many awards for his writings. In 1971 he won an award at the World Science Fiction Convention for "Beastchild". And in 1988 he won the Daedalus award for "Twilight Eyes". Amazon Reviews referred to him as "the master of horror". His books are known for being chilling, suspensful, and sometimes just plain scary. Out of all the reviews I've looked at I couldn't find any that were negative, which shows that he's a very well liked author. A few reviews called him a "master storyteller". He has a great writing style and usually has very smart and interesting plots, which makes everyone enjoy reading his books. Critics love his books, and everyone else seems to also. I think most people would agree that he really is the master of horror.


Demon Seed Review
Intensity Review
Works Consulted