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Time to think of the real problem....


I am here today to explain to you, a problem of, well mostly local, but I'm sure state, and nationwide. It is a problem of cities falling apart, and also suburban areas (at a very scary rate). I'm sure everyone has seen the 1st Matrix, the part where Agent Anderson labels humans as viruses, infecting an area, taking all its resources, and then leaving it. I'll admit that fits to the human race in general, but I'm gonna nail it down to areas that surround me. The virus here is the black race (not ALL black people, but most). I have grown up in Western New York all my life, and in the news I have watched many places I have grown up with go down the drains, one by one. Let's start off with the big cities, Rochester for example. Years ago Rochester was the place to live, it was a very nice middle class town with many jobs, and many nice neighborhoods. Now throw in the wrench (black people), and you get what you see today. Many run down neighborhoods, and how many people haven't heard in the news about a drug raid, or a murder on one of the "ghetto" streets, and then they show a picture of the suspect or what not, and he's a black person. I hate hearing that economic factors or environmental factors cause them to act like that. PLEASE! Those factors didn't pull the trigger, they didn't sell the drugs, they didn't bring the neighborhood down. Once that city was used up, they moved on. Batavia used to be called the Rochester of Genesee County. It had some very nice neighborhoods as well, it was the place to be. Then you mix in the catalyst, and once again, you get today's product. Now there may not be as many blacks there today as there once was, but they have definately left their mark. The side streets have been turned into crap, and the majority of males at the schools walk around like "wiggers", thinking that since they act black, they are black. As Queen so well put it, Another One Bites the Dust. Oh Irondeqouit Mall, how nice it once was. Now look at it, most of the stores went bankrupt or packed up and moved on. In the early nineties, I remeber going in, it was mostly whites and it was a good mall. Now let's go back to about 2 or 3 years ago, man I thought I was back in Rochester, just pockets, and groups, gangs, whatever, of black people, running the mall, scaring all of the other people out. Then they had to be "cool" or whatever they do to think highly of themselves, and went around slashing tires on not one, or two, but MANY, cars. Now who honestly wants to go a mall where some black guys gonna cut your tires while your shopping for your grandma? Thought so. Now I bring to the alarming section of my argument. And that is the "infestation" of suburan towns and villages. I myself live a suburban town (which will remain anonymous as well), and everyday, a good number of blacks get bused into my school, and remain there most of the day. Now when I was younger, this wasn't the case, and everyone seemed to get along fine, everyone acted normal, school was a decent place to be. Now half of our school is blacks, and their influence has cause many kids to become wiggers, giving our school a bad reputation. Both of these, affiliations if you will, walk around like they own our school, and actually give two shits to complain about how the system is always bringin them down, yet they continue to give teachers and principals hard times. Hmm I wonder why. I think our problem is that since we have given the blacks such a "hard time" in their life, we owe alot to them, and because of that they think that they can do whatever they want, because their great great great great great grandad was a slave. Well, they're not, yet we get them away with it, why? For the simple reason of "hate crimes", we can easily say something to them, but they can turn right around and tell us that were racist, and bam, we get that label. Now I know you may think of me as a racist, and think what you will, but I am simply stating what others are afraid to say....Any comments, please, feel free to tell