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Commission Junction, A Fraud??

To Every WebMasters,

I just want to spread this around.
There's a Company named Commission Junction (A simple 3rd party Affiliate)
where you make money by making sales thru other Companies or Leads (Sign-Ups).
I have been in constant battle with Commission Junction (CJ).
I know I've made Sales and Leads (I bought things thru them myself and signed up for different Programs)
In which they deny, there's no record of it anywheres.
I even signed up 3 times with 3 different E-Mails, on 3 Different Computer's.
Yet They Still Have No Records.

Another Example:
I bought a couple of things from 'Things You Never Knew Existed' Thru Them
Yet, No Record of sales been made.
I Forward an Email receipt to Commission Junction.
There Reply was,"Just because you sent an Email of a Transaction, doesn't mean you
got it thru your site."

My response was, "Why In Hell Would I Not Get It Thru My Site?"
Got No Response On That One (Too hard of a question for them).

If facted, I sent E-Mails To Every CJ email I could find.
A couple I did get a response on. Was asking for more info.
Also that if I didn't reply, They would consider the problem 'Solved'.
So I sent the requested info 3-4 times.
No reply.
Couple weeks later, the Problem was classified as 'Problem Solved'.
So I sent another E-mail asking why it said 'Problem Solved'.
They told me that they didn't get an E-mail so they thought it was taken care of.

Now they have this New Agreement that states,

"If an account is inactive (Not making any money)
after 6 months they will Deduct $10.00 each month
until it hits $0.00".

So Great, what little they do Record, they are gonna Deduct It.

If your looking for a 3rd Party Affiliate,
DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT apply for this company.

There are Many Others.

So My Next Big Task is too remove myself from ALL
the companies that I signed up with them (CJ)
(No Sense on having them make money off of me)
find a new 3rd Party Program, and reapply back to all those Companies.
PLEASE Spread This Around.

Thank You
The Halloween-Master

P.S. Im not the only one. There are alot of Forums who aggrees with me too.
I will get a list of those Forums and you can be the Judge.

Forum #1
Forum #2

Other Sites
Site #1