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The casualties of the poor innocents they lopsidedly criticize…

The mostly “ well-meaning “ –

sometimes peacefully seeming—

often idealistic—pessimistic… 

Where were these flocking sheep

on the streets

in this fight

for civilians—who were cruelly slaughtered,

and sacrificed…? 

The stock of Little Bopeep

were silent and meek—

nary a peep—

are these the promises, and ethics these keep…?

Were they then asleep…?!

Did they selectively care

for the suffering there…? 

The sheep now throng—

their sly shepherds, and shy sheepdogs

are wrong…

Impaired is their sight—

they delight to be herded—day, or night…

While they do have this right—

they also very well might

have lost their way—one could say—

and any independent reason, and sound insight… 

A scapegoat these sorry sheep need—

in bright green, idyllic, idealistic pastures they

pine—design—are irrationally resigned

to feed… 

Indeed—such an impressionistic breed—

they allowed

their own wool

to be pulled

over their eyes… 

But, one must surely


no surprise— 

it is our country these

sheep despise.

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