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Welcome to my new website! This is about Blackpool Transport and the new services which run under the name of Metro Coastlines.

Most of the buses now have their own route branding painted on them and also some of the twin cars are also being painted in different metro colours with route branding as well. There will be various pages about the buses and trams and the routes they operate within Blackpool and also the Fylde coast and I will be including also the history of the company including Blue buses who used to operate buses within Blackpool but who were brought out by Blackpool Transport in the early 90’s and there will also be a news area to keep you updated with the latest news on refurbishments, repaints and anything else involving the buses and trams.


There will be pictures of the different buses and trams on here but there will be an additional photo website with Blackpool buses and trams on it.


If you wish to put your pictures on either my website or the photos website, just email me at and they will be included on it at your request.


This website is not in anyway connected with Blackpool Transport Services Ltd