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Hymn 11

In the following hymn three verses
( stanzas 8,9 & 10) by Phineas Fletcher ( 17th c. )
are appended and the hymn is set
to a traditional Orlando Gibbon's tune
"Drop Drop Slow Tears". This hymn
is specified for the Feast
of the Circumcision of the Lord.
VV 1-7 copyright (c) David Horsman 2004

"Here see the babe, to Israel’s law submit,
and circumcised on eighth day, as is writ."

"Jesu he’s named, as Savior, first blood bled,
as sign of that on Cross to save, he shed."

"Jesu the Way, where in we must return
to God and heaven, for which we longing yearn."

"Jesu our hope, when all was sin and shame,
from heaven above to save our souls he came"

"O how my sins do weigh upon my soul;
full of deceit my heart , rebellion’s toll"

"See how on cross, he suffers for our sin;
to pay the price, he needs become our kin"

"O pierced feet that trod the Way to show
how heaven be gained by stepping down so low.

"Drop, drop, slow tears, and bathe those beauteous feet,
Which brought from heav’n the news and Prince of Peace."

"Cease not, wet tears, his mercies to entreat;
To cry for vengeance: sin doth never cease."

"In your deep floods drown all my faults and fears;
Nor let His eye see sin, but through my tears."

"Jesu our hope, when all was sin and shame,
from heaven above to save our souls he came"

"Jesu the Way, where in we must return
to God and heaven for which we longing yearn."