The Ultimate Driving Machine [Denny's Menu]
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Hi, my name is Connor Childs and my favorite car is the BMW. I realy like the "z" series, The "z" series is made up of 9 cars. My favorite cars in the "z" series are the Z3, Z4, Z8. The newest one is the Z4, I think it is the nicest of them all. At the bottom of the page you can see a lot of cool photos of BMW's. A couple cool bmw sites are:

If you want to learn about BMW's history, updates, and new news on prices, cars and other stuff Click Here. If you want to download some cool wallpapers of other cars and BMW's Click Here. If you want to find out information on all the BMW series then Click Here. If you want to get in touch with me you can e-mail me at!

Here are some way cool photos of BMW's:

If you want to go and see any other web pages that I've created, then go ahead and Click Here

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Last Updated 12/21/2003