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Arub Designs School of Sewing and Dressmaking Academy

Member of Professional Association of Custom Clothiers, American Sewing Guild, Home Sewing Association Certified Home Sewing Instructor, Heirloom Sewing Instructor, Graduate of Lifetime Career Schools Sewing and Dressmaking, Haney Vocational Pattern Drafting, Member of the Web Chamber of Commerce. National Association of Private Schools Accreditation, Pending


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We have come a long way in the past year at the Arub Designs School of Sewing and Dressmaking Academy. First and foremost I would like to thank-God for all his many blessings. This website is dedicated to the many people who have helped me along the way. A heartfelt thank-you to my knight in shining armor. My husband Will, thank you for believeing in me. For being there right by my side through thick and thin. I love you for all the encouragement, love, hugs and endless years of support emotional as well as financial. For being truthful and honest and the best father in the world to our children. I have one of the greatest husbands any woman could ask for. I love you honey. Yesterday, tomorrow and Always. To my children, Mrs. Lisa Moses-Travis and wonderful son-in-law Kerry of Florida, Your midnight calls have been filled with encouragment. And when things got tough they have been a true inspiration to me. I love you both. To Raymond and my loving daughter-in-law Sonia Moses, thank-you for making sure I slowed down when I needed to rest and being there when I need you to be. I love you both. To Ronnell and my daughter-in-law Celisa.. You live way to far..I miss you both terrribly. I love you both. To Robert and Will Jr. I am still in shock to have 2 sons in the army but your father and I am so very proud of you both. May God protect you both always, I love you. And to my youngest who are not so young anymore. Where have the years gone? Your both almost 17 now. In a few short years you will both be off to college beginning a whole new part of your lives. I love you both. And to my 11 (yes... eleven grandchildren...) the Arub Designs School of Sewing and Dressmaking Academy is for you and all our future generations to come. Na-Na loves you all. To my God sister Michelle Simmons of Georgia who has been a friend for 15 years, your encouragement and love have always been a sense of strength for me. And to my bestest friend in the whole world Haleemah in Ohio, Girl I still can't wait to get to Detroit. And my God-Daughter Na'imah and God son Yahia and their daughter Nadia of Wisconsin... I am so proud of you Na'imah and I love you all so much. And last but not least. To all the wonderful staff and students who make the day to day operations of the Academy possible, my hat goes off to each of you. Ellen... you are the greatest! What would I ever do without you! You keep me on my toes and so well organized. Handling the publicity, ads, and the scheduling of Sewing Seminars for the school can be so demanding but God knew what I needed and he sent me you. Carrie you came a long way.. We look forward to your return in the fall of 2003. Elizabeth... Keep up the good work, Mary, your are indeed wonderful person and I feel truly blessed to have you in my life and remember winners never quit, and quiter's never win. Lilliana, God Bless you! Your great strength will always be your greatest asset. Shelly you are in my prayers for a speedy recovery. We miss you and God speed. Shelly my prayer is to see you this fall. To my wonderful friends and "Golden Girls" Betty ;aka: The Cake lady, Maralea and Leslie. Meeting the three of you should be proof enough that God is on his throne. It was not a chance meeting when I met you either Aoma, God Bless. I can not imagine not knowing any of you. You hold such a special place in my life. I will have you ladies sewing in no time, just wait and see! And to all my friends at Sew-What's New, Mary you never cease to amaze me. I am so grateful to be a part of such a wonderful site. To my fellow sisters (and brothers) at PACC, ASG and HSG, Thank-you for all your wonderful advice and encouragement. To the instructors and mentors I have met through the years, Martha Pullen of Martha Pullen School of Art Fashion and Miss Kathy Mc'Makin. You made last year so spectacular. I just love attending your school. I can not wait to come again. Miss Dody I am forever grateful to have you as a mentor and a friend. You never cease to inspire me. You have always believed in me and rejoiced when I called with good news and laughed with me to keep from crying when things were going hay wire. I consider it a true blessing to have met all of you. I thank-God for each of you. If I have left anyone out. Please charge my head and not my heart. You are so important to me. God bless you all. Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!