Classes every two weeks
Oklahoma Self Defense Act Concealed Weapon Carry classes are taught by an O.S.B.I. (Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation) approved and C.L.E.E.T. (Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training) certified Concealed Carry instructor. The course is as prescribed by the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act
(Title 21, Oklahoma Statutes, Section 1290.1 et seg.) to meet the educational requirements to qualify for an Oklahoma Concealed Carry License. The course is one day, 8 hours, with a written exam and live firing.
The following requirements shall apply to any person making application to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation for a concealed handgun license pursuant to Oklahoma Statutes Title 21, Section 1290.1 et seq.
The person must:
be a citizen of the United States;
be a resident of the State of Oklahoma;
For purposes of the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act, the term "residency" shall apply to any person who either possesses a valid Oklahoma driver license or state photo identification card and physically resides in this state or has permanent military orders within this state and possesses a valid driver license from another state where such person claims residency
be at least 21 years of age;
complete a firearms safety and training course;
submit the required fee;
complete the SDA application -- Download application at;
comply in good faith with the provisions of the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act.
Ability to pass OSBI background check you must have a clean record, i.e. no violence, drugs, stalking, etc.
Speeding and parking tickets should not necessarily keep someone from passing background check
If someone has legal questions/inquiries contact OSBI offices at (800) 207-6724 or online at
The instructors of the class cannot give answers to legal questions please contact personal legal counsel for further inquiries.