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Hi, my name is Ari David Kopolovic, I'm a student at Victoria University/College at the University of Toronto.

I'm a Toronto local, I currently live in residence at school, near Bloor and Avenue (Queen's Park).

I am in second year (2002-2003), majoring in sociology, and minoring in economics and English. I am heavily involved

in the school community, and am looking forward to summer and then third year.



Here are some of my pictures:



   Bonnie   Me                                               Bonnie                                                  Sam Laura Bonnie




Brian Me Nevin                                           Bonnie Crystal                                   Vic's Mascot 'Action Squirrel'



Harrison Kaila                                   Jeremy Soloman Rami Bonnie                       Kirk (in his 'action-retard' pose)



 Perry (Korean racing-team)             Laura Kate Tabatha Kat Cropper                                Me Ilana



 Bonnie Angela                                            Bonnie Christine                                Chris (AKA Chuck) Steph



     Steph Me                                   Kevin Mat Rami Jason (Century Club)                Tabatha Laura Bonnie



Laura Tab Mat Bonnie ? James                Bonnie Me Ange Tabatha                        




          Me                                                          Me   Ilana                                              Mike (Wookie)



White-Catherine Irene Cynthia Catherine Me Mary-Ellen



George Christina Shirley George Carla Linda Carl        Posche Carrera GT         New Mercedes-Benz CLK Cabriolet



Edited Pictures (using Microsoft Photo Editor)