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What is a Started Dog?

When dealing with Beagles a "started dog" is a beagle that has trailed a rabbit alone and barked while doing this.  It is just that simple.  It does not mean that the dog has even circled a rabbit on its own, or jumped a rabbit on its own.  It has nothing to do with the dog being trained to not run Deer or other off-game.  It is not reasonable to expect that a dog labeled as a "started" will be a dog that you can shoot rabbits in front of the without more time training. 

What do you gain with a started dog over a pup?  Simply put . . .a lot.  Even with the best genetics, and early exposure to game, some pups just do not ever start running rabbits.  The percentage of dogs in this category is very small, but does exist.  The amount of time it takes for pups start running rabbits is variable.  All dogs develop at different rates.  Some puppies will start running rabbits at 3 or 4 months.  Others take a full year or more just to start.  With a started dog it is apparent that this point in development has been met.

Once a dog has started running rabbits the real work and fun begins.  The dog will never learn all the tricks that rabbits commonly use, if they are not exposed to a lot of rabbits.  This is also a time when obedience training will need to be reinforced.  The dog will have learned that it really loves to chase game, and that is not always a good thing when you want to go home.  Another area of concern is the dog running game other than rabbits.  In Michigan this mean most often means Deer.

Currently you should expect to pay between $300 and $400 for a started AKC beagle.  There are some that can be had for less, but why skimp on a hunting partner that you will likely have for the next 10 years.  As in so many other things, you get what you pay for.