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Hey People! Can you believe I have made another homepage? Well...the reason I have done this is because me and Brandi were online today looking at old guesbooks and slam books that we all have signed before. All of it was old and most of it was pretty damn embarassing. that we are all grown up and not near as stupid, we can now make everything right for ourselves. *LOL* Hey and guess what? My website is just like the more popular ones. I have a Discussion page. Which is kinda like a message board. So when we are not online or something, Just leave a message on the Discussion board. Plus it gives everyone a chance to voice their opinion about things! Anyway...Have fun! Oh yea, if you would like a copy of the embarassing things that some of us has said in the previous slambooks/guest books. Just email me and I'll be more than happy to embarass someone!!!

Here's the new discussion board!!!!!!

Oh Yea! I have some updated for you to check out!!!

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