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Homeopathic Information

Handy Remedies I like to have on hand

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Homeopathic remedies (one pill, or 2 drops of liquid remedy)can be stirred in abt 1/4 to 1/2 cup of bottled water. A few drops, or a teaspoon of the water is a dose. The left-over water can be used for the next dose, and the next dose. If it looks cloudy, use it to water your plants, and make a fresh batch. I find it best not to give food or water for 15 min. before or after. If I do, it won't harm the animal, but will limit the good they get from the remedy. If I have a very sensitive animal, I find it's best to purchase pill form, instead of liquid, as your animal could be sensitive to the preservative in the liquid form. I would highly recomend you buy, or borrow from your local library, books on homeopathy. I would recomend "DOGS: Homeopathic remedies"by George Macleod. I would also recomend "HOMEOPATHIC CARE FOR CATS AND DOGS"by Don Hamilton. There are others, too many to name. Remedies should be stored away from microwave ovens, TV, strong odors, etc, as these things can weaken the remedies.