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Our Tornado Story

My Tornado Story

While attending church that night
every thing seemed normal after the service,
Mom came and I had went upstairs to find my
brother Race because it was time to go.

I found Race upstairs in the church and as we
started out, the Tornado Siren sounded
across the road at Curry School went off. We
ran towards and down the stairs.We made it
outside Mom was waiting outside in the Van.
It was sprinkling rain and it was warm and very
dark. The siren wailed in the darkness

Mom listened to the weather and all I remember
them saying was if you live in winston area take
cover now. My heart was beating fast.
Lighting flashed as we made it to our home.

We arrived home and went
next door to my step
grandmothers house and sat down. They had the
TV on the weather, and was watching, when
they mention our area we went Straight to the
storm cellar.

We lit Candles and listened to the radio.
There was ten of us in the Storm Cellar,
and my step father's daddy
and mother,and uncle and aunt
I think. my Step Father
and Mother and us kids
my older brother. Myself, and my
little brother he's 6, and my sister
she's 5 years old.

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The storm was not there yet.
We continued to listen to the radio. After awhile
Nanny (Glenda) said listen,
but everybody said it was rain.
Then we Heard it coming.

Shirley started to cry but we could
still hear it. My mom had grabbed up Haley and
sat down on Austin. It Was getting very loud,
rumbling and you could hear crashes and things
falling. I could see it now out the door,
everything was flying around. I was really scared,
and I could hear some one saying over and over again

I could feel the wind and saw trees
and leaves flying around...then it was over.

Charles, Lynn and Shannon went out to see
if it was over. We came out of the storm cellar
and went in Glenda house. We sat on the couch a
lot of the windows were busted and there was water
leaking in some of the rooms.
We looked out the front door and Mom was calling us.
I saw flashlights outside in the yard and heard
voices talking. Then I heard my dads voice "are you guys ok"
There was our dad, we ran up and hugged him.
There was only darkness where our trailer use to
be. Dad took us home with him. We held hands as
we walked up the street slowly. Dad was careful
watched where we stepped because of power lines
down and had us to jump over lines on the ground.

Their Father's story and events that night.

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