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Interview with Mr. Fantasy

‘Who wouldn’t want to be able to work in front of 20,000-plus fans?

Mr. Fantasy does it his way in SEW

By Jay Felsberg

His goals are the same as many other wrestlers: "To make it to the big show. Who wouldn’t want to be able to work in front of 20,000-plus fans"? Mr. Fantasy, however, is doing it in his own unique style and is one of the reasons for the popularity of SouthEastern Extreme Wrestling in the Wiregrass.

He is clearly a busy man.

"You know something Lolly Pop Kid, you’re lucky that I even going to do this interview", Mr. Fantasy said when I sent him the questions for our recent email interview. "You act like Mr. Fantasy has all the time in the world to do some interview for some small-time paper. With all that said lets get this over with so that I can get back to something important".

"Something important" is his career. Accompanied to the ring by Sexy Samantha, Mr. Fantasy certainly has an effect on fans. Full of confidence (or full of himself, depending on who you ask), he draws as much heat as anyone who wrestles in SEW. "The biggest thing that appeals to me is the reaction I get from the fans", Mr. Fantasy

Mr. Fantasy’s potential was recognized early in his career. He was spotted by Steve Armstrong of the famous Armstrong family of wrestling (currently involved with NWA-TNA among other wrestling projects), who took the young wrestler under his wing.

"I didn’t train in the SEW training school", Mr. Fantasy said, "I was trained by the Armstrong family. My training was done before each show. I actually only took three lessons before Steve decided that I was ready. He told me that I was a natural in the ring" .Mr. Fantasy arrived in SEW with Steve Armstrong’s recommendation.

"I was given the name by Ron Fuller (of the legendary wrestling Fuller family). "When I started in wrestling I was known as Flash Fantasy. I had a show in Tennessee for Ron Fuller, and they already had a worker by the name of Flash. When I got to the show the card had Mr. Fantasy vs. Tracey Smothers. I ran into Ron and ask him who Mr. Fantasy was and he told me that it was me. So, I took the name and ran with it".

"I would say that my influence to get into wrestling was from my grandfather. He was the biggest wrestling fan I have never met. He would take me to Dothan almost every Saturday night back when Continental Championship Wrestling was still around. I would have to say that The Rock has been somewhat of a role model. He has the best mike skills I have ever heard. Steve Armstrong is another role model. He is the reason I am in this business.

"Honestly, the character is a little like the Rock", Mr. Fantasy said. "You know, take a cocky attitude and take it to the extreme.

That was clear as Mr. Fantasy brought the interview to a close. "Be sure that you remember one thing, Lolly Pop Kid:"