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Name: Mal'dn (Malordin)
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 22 (17 at Impression)
Height: 5'5"
Build: Pudgy
Skin Tone: Tanned
Hair Color: Light Brown
Hair Length: To His Ears and Straight
Eyes: Small and Brown
Occupation: Dragonrider (former Journeyman Dragonhealer)
Siblings: 1 Older Sister
Parents: Foster Parents
Origin: Small Hold
Pets: None
Bond: Green Gwyth

Personality: Outgoing and friendly, he has a lot of friends and acquaintances, but he tries to keep his past to himself. He can be rather mysterious, and he likes to keep people guessing. He tries to get out of flying Thread whenever possible, or riding Gwyth at all, as he has a minor fear of heights. He has an excellent memory and enjoys learning about new things.

History: Mal'dn was born to a Lower Caverns worker and a Blue Rider father. He was adopted out to a couple in a small nearby hold who only had one daughter, and he has never really met either of his birth parents. His birth father died in Threadfall only a turn after he was born, and his birht mother relocated to another weyr two turns later. He never really had any interest in them, however, as his foster parents treated him with kindness while his older sister doted on him.

Mal'dn's foster parents were very easy going individuals. From them he obtained his excellent people skills. He was naturally outgoing and made friends easily as a child, and his foster parents usually allowed him to entertain himself and his friends as long as he completed his duties as home. Mal'dn had no problems with is as he had a thirst for knowledge. He loved learning about new things and would often pester the older people in the hold to teach him different things.

When Mal'dn had twelve turns, he went to study at the Healer Hall on his foster father's recommendation. His foster father, who was a healer himself, had seen Mal'dn's love of learning and ability to memorize things easily and thought perhaps with his friendly nature Mal'dn could follow in his footsteps. Mal'dn had no objections and soon left for the hall where he progressed fairly rapidly.

By the time Mal'dn had seventeen turns he had already walked the tables to become a journeyman. He didn't get to enjoy his new status long, however, before he was Searched for a clutch at Sedona Weyr. At first, he refused, having a fear of heights from a nasty fall off of a rocky outcropping that had nearly cost him his life. Eventually, though, the riders convinced him to at least try. Needless to say, he was positively shocked when he Impressed Gwyth. Now, he just needs to learn how to calm that temper of hers.


Name: Gwyth
Race: Pernese Dragon
Gender: Female
Color: Green
Size: 21' long
Parents: Gold Yuneth x Brown Ujanforth
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Assisted Firebreath
Personality: Easily angered and short-tempered, Gwyth is sarcastic and seldom gets along with other dragons. She is disdainful of most humans, with the exception of her rider. She is generally apathetic when not angry and lazy, not liking to fly any more than Mal'dn.
Bond: Mal'dn

Gwyth is from Sedona Weyr.
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