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The Grey Car

This is my 1988 Chevrolet Camaro. I got this car for graduation in the spring of 1998. It has the TBI 305 motor with the TH700-R4 transmission. There are almost no options what-so-ever on this car. No power windows, no power door locks, no trunk release, no rear window defrost, almost nothing. It does however have T-Tops.

It's been over a year since I installed the heads intake and such. Six months after the install I actually got it running! It was, however, not running like it should. I played around with it for several months before I gave up on it and stuck it in the garage. That's where it still sits at the moment.

There is hope for the car! I just ordered a 650cfm mechanical secondary carb, vacuum advance distributor, and some other stuff to get it working with a carbeurator. Once I get all that working I'm going to stab a Crane 2032HR hydraulic roller camshaft into the engine. Hopefully, that won't take nearly as long as the other stuff has taken me.

IT LIVES!! The Grey Car cranked and ran last night (12/17/01) for the first time in quite a while. The timing and idle were both set and I thought about trying to drive it, but I was blocked in the garage and the car still doesn't have insurance on it. It will probably take some tuning to get it totally right, but, progress is being made.

I still haven't found the time to get the car tuned and tested. You can blame it onmy working all the time. I've purchased myself some new wheels, ceramic coated SLP headers, Crane 2032HR camshaft, and pushrods. Looks like I might put off getting the car tuned up until after I get all this new stuff installed. Hopefully I'll find the time to quit neglecting the site and get some pictures of my newest stuff up.

Well, I finally got pictures of my new stuff up. I may be crazy, but I just can't help but collect new parts to install all the time. I bought my buddies Snyper N2O kit. Go here to see the picture.

Behold!! Pictures of the Salad Shooters!!!

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