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Hey, guys. Your favorite non-Joe, non-Jackson, shoeless wonder here. The Barefoot strikes again with her supplement to her ever unpopular, super secret. . .God, I hate this word: blog.

I still am not sure why people, including myself, think that other people give a damn about them, at least enough to make a webpage about themselves. I know that by nature everyone is a total narcissus, but wasting valuble webspace on it? I don't know how to justify that.

On the other hand, I guess that everyone has a story to tell. The problem is that generally no one wants to hear it, no matter what it is about.

Predictably, I am probably broadcasting solely to that lifeless void that is the internet. However, I guess the possibility exsists that someone is actually reading this, still not caring.

Alright, Alright. . .Enough with the philosopical ramifications of my website and blog. I really just needed some space to publish photos of the Black Box for Troubled Hubble.

Troulbed Hubble Show Photos

Prom 2004


2004 ASMS Men's Varsity Soccer

ASMS Campus Photos

ASMS Kids and Not-So-Kids
