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Norm’s Home Page


“Somebody has to learn this HTML stuff”


Welcome to Norm’s Home Page.  Nothing of any great interest here, just stuff I’ve stuck together.  Anglefire and Lycos are nice enough to provide some free space, so I figure I might as well use it. 


Content on these pages are copywrited by me, for what little that is worth.  I don’t foresee anyone trying to steal my photographs.  In case you really need to steal them, e-mail me at and I’ll send a better digital version.


So far I have (or am working on):


The Wedding:               Sharon and Norm’s Wedding


According to some, this was the event of the century.  Well, according to Sharon’s niece anyway.  We had a lot of fun.  The wedding was beautiful (Sharon organized it).  The reception was really nice (Sharon planned it).  The food was really good (Sharon selected it).  I showed up on time.


The Honeymoon:          Sharon and Norm’s Honeymoon


Minds out of the gutter!  Just some pictures of our trip to Yellowstone National Park.  A couple of nice photos of mountains, trees, geysers, and other neat stuff.



A Photography Page:    Norm’s Photography Gallery


A collection of photographs I have taken and now am trying to put on the web.  No Pulitzer prize winners here.  Sorry.



A Dog Page:                 Our Dogs


The crew wanted a web-page all of their own.  Of course, until we can send smells over the Internet, dogs won’t have much use for web pages.  We have puppy pics, dog pics, canine biographies, and a bunch of other useless but fun stuff.




A Cat Page:                  Our Cat


 “She Who Must Be Obeyed” decreed the cat page to be most important.  Not as important as cat toys or a clean litter box, but important.  A cute kitty AVI file can be found here if I can get it to work.




A Canine Agility Page:  Norm’s Agility


Dog agility is a lot of fun for the dogs, and sometimes for the people.  I have plans for several of the agility obstacles laid out on this page, plus links to folks who have come up with some really neat ideas for building agility obstacles.  I am also including pictures of my guy and our ribbons as well.



Seattle Vacation and Cruise      Seattle and Alaska


Sharon and Norm went to Seattle and cruised along the Canadian and Alaskan coast in May of 2003.  Here are some of the better photographs we took.  These web-pages were assembled by the Nikon software that came with our D100 camera, Nikon View 6.0. The Dogs and Cat stayed home.





And More To Come!





P. S.  For those so interested, this web page was put together using Microsoft® 2000.  And sorry about the background.  I’m still working on a better one.  norm