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Church Building Fund

Dearly beloved brethren,

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
For quite some time since The Indian Pentecostal Church of God " Peniel Pallipad " is founded.We have been thinking of getting a suitable place of worship because a lot of difficulties are being faced by us to assemble conveniently for worship and other weekly scheduled meetings which are presently being held in a terrace of a small building. Which is too inadequate and inconvenient for the purpose and also can not be prolonged for other reasons.
Now we have seen a suitable land to construct a worship place, the same will solve our problem for the time being. The total expenses including the cost of the land would be around 9 Lakhs. Against which a maximum amount of Rs. 1,35,000 can only be raised by voluntary contribution from the local church members. We are trusting on the unchanging promises of God and are confident that our Lord will hear our prayers and miraculously provide us the place as "things though impossible with man are possible with God".
In these hard days, it is impossible for us to accomplish this great task single-handed and therefore we request you to extend your helping hand and your valuable prayers in this urgent and dire need.

Cheques/drafts may please be drawn in favour of "The Indian Pentecostal Church of God. Peniel, Pallipad" A/C No: B 5776 SBT Pallipad and send to Bro. Kuruvilla John, Kokkayil Ebenezer, Pallipad P.O., Allepey, Kerala - 690 512 , INDIA

Yours in His service,

President. Secretary. Treasurer.
Pastor V. V. Kuriyachen Bro: Kuruvilla John Bro: Babu Mathew

Realising this urgent need of the Church we strongly recommend this cause for the furtherance of the Gospel. Kindly help this cause.

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-
Pr. K.T. Mathew Pr. K.C. John Pr. T.S. Abraham
Dist: Minister. IPC State Secretary. IPC President.