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Church Activities.

Worship services on Sundays

The major activity of the church is the worship services on Sundays which provide an opportunity for the members to have Christian fellowship and to worship their Lord together. The service is conducted on the apostolic pattern of the first century, when “on the first day of the week the disciples came together to break bread” (Acts 20:7). It is so organized as to encourage participation from all assembled members, the intention being the spiritual growth of all.

Sunday School

The important place that Sunday School has in the spiritual upbringing of the children was recognized from the early days of the church. Children are divided into various classes according to their age groups and a systematic course of study is followed. In addition, there is a Bible study class for adults too.

Youth Fellowship

A local unit of the Pentecostal Young Peoples’ Association (PYPA) functions as youth fellowship in the church. Programmes have a variety of items for the young people to develop their talents for the glory of God and the extension of His kingdom.

Sisters’ Fellowship

Sisters meet once a week on Fridays for prayer and Bible Study. They visit homes in the neighbourhood and prays for the sick and help the needy ones.

Weekly cottage meetings

Members meet for prayer and fellowship in different homes once a week. The meetings provide an opportunity for members to visit different homes which are scattered in different parts of the city.