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Last updated Monday, October 23
We have four more pages of pictures!

"Call, Come, or Write"

**Puppies for Sale!!!**
Folks, I have bred my best female for the second time.  Her name is Holly.  She is a Jake/Lou female and one of the best tree dogs I have ever seen.  I have references on the first cross, and they all turned out great.  I only bred her so I would have a couple of pups for the start of the next hunting season and the rest of them I am going to sale.  Old Jake is 11 years old and I don't know if or when I will breed him again.  So if you like to Jake blood line, with a shot of Lou in it, give me a call, and I will try to help you out.

Hello Folks!  My name is Bryan Frederick, and this is my personal webpage.  As many of you know, I use to write the article for the KSBA.  I have also been a member of the KSBA since it began.  I have an old dog named Jake that a lot of people seem to like and he does a pretty good job.  He seems to be a good reproducer and the crosses we have made with him have really done well.  And as everybody knows we have a very strict policy of only breeding tree dogs.

Interested in Mountain Curs?  Check out these sites.

Here are a few pictures and information about some of my dogs.  If you have any pictures that you would like to see on my page, or would like to brag about, please let me know.

This is a picture of my Frederick's Mountain Jake dog along with Lindsey's Lou.  This is the cross that has been so "HOT" for the last few years.  We don't worry about whether they are going to tree or not, we just wait for it to happen.  And it usually happens quick.

The picture on the left is Jake on a tree.  The picture on the right is another picture of Jake.

Here are some more pictures of Frederick's Mountain Jake.

The picture on the left is of Deacon.  He is 3/4 Jake.  The picture on the right is Jag.  He is also 3/4 Jake.

These pictures are of Jake and some of the dogs he has sired.  The first picture is of Jake and Deacon.  The next is of Jake, Lou, and Sweetie.  Sweetie is now owned by Larry Albright in Iowa.  She is off of Jake and Lou.

The first picture is Ruth at 26 months.  Ruth is one of my favorites - close hunting and gets out and gets the job done, day or night.  The dog on the tree in the next picture is Lucy.  She is also 3/4 Jake.  Lucy is the mother of the 7/8 pups we just crossed.  They are looking good, but we haven't let any of them be sold.

This is Mr. T.  He is owned by Travis Lindsey.  Jake is his father.

Pictures Volume I
Pictures Volume II
Pictures Volume III
Pictures Volume IV

Steve Dulaney's Homepage              Reedy Creek Kennel
Squirrel Dog Message Board           LaPratt's Lonetree Kennel
Full Cry Magazine                            C & S Mountain Curs
Kemmer Stock Homepage               Andy's Kemmer Stock Mtn Curs
Squirrel Dog Basics
Hard Wood Kennels

I am looking forward to sharing a lot of my hunts and stories with you on my new page.  We are very excited about this new expansion.  And remember folks, Call, Come, or Write.

Bryan Frederick
975 EE Kelly Road
Detroit, AL  35570
(205) 921-9270

Send Me an E-mail
(Click the e-mail icon above)

I plan on adding an "Article of the Month" section in the near future.  Keep a close eye on this page, it will be updated REGULARLY!!

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