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I will give a short report on this match. Once again Marvin and Chuck put on a great match. It ran smooth and there were some great scores shot, not by me but some of the others did quite well. We all would like to say congratulations to Marvin Hinkle on shooting his third leg score and obtaining the rank of Distinguished Master. Marvin has been fairly modest about his accomplishment, but I know that obtaining Distinguished Master is a high goal, if it were not there would be a lot more of them. Congratulations Marvin, we hope you continue to shoot and work to help the sport of pistol shooting grow. Marvin also won the match in the Master class shooting a 940 13x, Dan Hardman was 2nd with a 924 17x and 3rd went to Larry Baird with a 911 16x. Next I would like to brag on our ASMLA President Perry Mitchell. Perry shot just enough to bump himself into to the Master Class. According to Perry this was strictly an accident. According to some nasty rumors I heard (just rumors remember) there was talk that Perry said that had he known that he was that close to making Master he would have dropped a few shots. SANDBAG not my buddy Perry, not the straight and narrow done by the book Perry. So if any of you heard these nasty rumors please enlighten the folks that are spreading them this is not the case. If they still have doubts tell them to just ask Perry who is still glowing with pride that all his hard work has paid off and he can hardly wait to go to Friendship and compete as a Master. I sure he can them how he feels about making Master. All jokes aside, congratulations Perry on a job well done. Perry was 1st in the Expert Class with an 880 7x, Ralph Talarico took 2nd with an 830 7x. Joan Hardman also moved up in class at this match, Joan moved up to the Expert Class, I believe that she will be able to hold her own in this Class. Joan took 1st place in the Sharpshooters Class with an 851 9x, Bill Reed took 2nd with an 820 8x and Jim Parker took 3rd with a 783 8x. In the Marksman Class Jim Philpott took 1st with a 662 1x and Carl Cooper took 2nd place. Congratulations to all the competitors who participated in this match. The only other thing I have to report on this match is that there were rumors that someone was going around flashing a MOON. Now knowing the fine and upstanding folks that attend this match I find this rumor hard to believe ain’t that right Bob. All I will say is, if you wear your pants a little loose you had better wear both a belt and suspenders because you never know the evil that lurks in the hearts of the men standing on either side of you. Take care and we will see you in Chattanooga next year.

By Jim Parker