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Welcome to My New Page!!!

Thanks for visiting my new page!  I'll tell you a little bit about me. My birthday is on September 11th, so I just turned 22.  I live in Marshall County, Alabama with my husband Wayne.  He is the sweetest person in the world to me, so I couldn't ask for anyone better.  We have a bunch of animals (thanks to me!).  We have a pot bellied pig, Sassy; Border Collie, Kate; cat, Buster; horse, Abe; and we have cows, to many to list their names.  I enjoy hunting, riding my horse and  4-wheeler, racing my camaro, driving our Z-71, and being with the people that mean the most to me, my friends and family.  I am a student at Snead State Community College and my major is Computer Science and I'll be graduating in the Summer of 2003. I listen to all arrays of music, country, R & B, rock, metal, just about anything really.  Well, I guess that you can write if you want and go check out my pictures, I'm sure that is what you came here for in the first place!  So check me out!!  Later!!

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10/22/2002 09:53 AM