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U-Tech Automotive Coatings Racing Team

Welcome to my online photo album.This is where I would like to thank my sponser B&S Supply Company.Who sells U-Tech Automotive Coatings in the state of Alabama. B&S Supply Company has helped me to take the track championship honors in the 2-cycle class at Murchison Dirt Track for the 97 and 98 season.I hope with his help I will be able to continue my reign for the 99 season.

Looking Good

This is a front shot of the cart I will be driving in the 99 season.

That Goes How Fast!!!

In the past three years, I have raced at Murchison Dirt Track and in addition this year I will start racing at Wilson Motorsports assfault track.


This is my son Kyle he is begining his racing career at the age of 5. Send me some e-mail let me now what you think about my site.I would also like you to sign my guest book.

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