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The Whole Armor of Yahvah


A Comparison of Ephesians 6:11-18 and Revelation 1:13-16


 Paraphrase of Ephesians 6:11-18:

 Clothe yourself for endurance in the offensive weaponry of Yahvah that you may be empowered to stand upright against the methods and lying in wait of the Liar. For we are not confronted with fleshly kindred, but we are confronted with originators, beginning ones, firstlings, we fight against those authorities who existed from the beginning, against the ordered world of error, obscurity and ignorance in this perpetual age, against non-carnal supernatural plots and malice in the Most High place.

Therefore, receive unto yourself the entire offensive tools of Yahvah that you may be able to oppose in the immovable, settled day of anguish, and having endured and overcome, continue standing. Remain upright having your hips clothed with the garment of awareness of the whole first truth and not ignorance, and wearing the golden girdle of self-evident justice, executing judgment. And binding under your feet the instruction of the announcement and declaration of Unity and rest.

On top of that, receiving unto yourself the door and gate of persuasion and assurance with which you will be able to extinguish all the lightning missiles of the evil ones.

And receive the crown of safety, deliverance and protection, the crown of salvation and the scepter of judicial punishment, the short sword of the Divine Intellect, which is the delivered utterance, the River of Life from Yahvah.

Worshipping, approaching, and coming near, binding oneself to the Divine Intellect, remaining spiritually awake with all constant, continual, and diligent endurance, power and strength, and binding oneself for all sacrifice.

Word by Word Translation:

Verse 11:

Put on the whole [#1746 enduo - this is the same word as is used for Yahshua's garment in Revelation 1] to array, to sink into a garment, to clothe for endurance --

armor [#3833 panoplia] entire from #3956 pas - entire from #3696 hepo - tools, implements, weapons, offensive armor --

of God [#2316 theos] - the Supreme Deity, the Almighty, Yahvah --

that ye may be able [#1410 dunamai] - to be possible, be possible, be empowered --

to stand [#2476 histemi/stao - this is the same word used for the tree upon which Yahshua was executed] - to stand upright --

against the wiles [#3180 methodeia] trickery, travesty, methods, lying in wait --

of the devil [#1228 diabolos] a traducer, accuser, slanderer, liar from #1225 diaballo - to traduce, accuse.

Verse 12:

For we (wrestle - not in the original MS) not against [#4314 pros] - to confront --

not of flesh [#4561 sarx] the skin, body --

and blood [#129 haima] the blood of kindred --

but against principalities [#746 arche] chiefs, firstlings from #756 archomai - precedents, those before, beginning ones, --

against powers [#1849 exousia] privileged ones, authorities, rulers, forces from #1832 exesti - indicative of #1537 ek - out of, originators, from whence and #1510 eimi - existed

against rulers [#2888 kosmokrator] world rulers from #2889 kosmos - an arrangement, the ordered world and from #2902 kratistos - strongest, most excellent, nobles, dominators --

of the darkness [#4655 skotos] obscurity, shadiness (not a mystical term) from #4639 skia - error, sin, ignorance --

of this world - [#165 alon] - not world at all, but this age --

against spiritual [#4152 pneumatikos] non-carnal, supernatural -

wickedness - [#4189 poneria] depravity, malice, plots, iniquities --

in high places [#2032 epouranios] "heaven" or God's abode (ouramos in Greek is "Heaven" -- the Elyown place (Most High) place.

Verse 13:

Wherefore take unto you [#353 analambano] receive unto self, take up --

the whole [#1746 enduo] entire

armor [#3833 panoplia] weaponry, tools, implements -

of God [#2316 theos] the Supreme Deity, Yahvah --

that ye may be able [#1410 dunamis] be empowered --

to withstand -- [#436 anthistemi] - to oppose, stand against -

in the evil -- [#4190 poneros] from #492 ponos - anguish, pain, hurtful, sinful --

day [#2250 hemera] to sit - hemai - in the time of sitting #1476 implied - hezomai - the immovable, steadfast, settled day --

and having done all -- [#2716 katergazomai] accomplished fully, fully worked, finished, performed, fashioned, endured, overcame --

stand [#2476 histemi/stao] - continue standing.

Verse 14:

Stand [same as above], therefore, having your loins [#3751 osphus] - hips or genital area

girt about [#4024 perizonnumi - this is another word used in Rev. 1] - wrapped around, fastened as a belt (a garment) -

with truth [#226 aletheuo] be truth, profess truth from #227 alethes (not) concealing from #1 Alpha - One, first, unity and #2990 lanthano - lies hidden -- i.e. the unhidden truth, the whole first truth, the awareness (and not ignorance) --

and having on -- wearing -- the breastplate [#2382 thorax] - the chest --

of righteousness [#1343 dikaiosune] - equity, justice, from #1342 dikaios - just, right, innocent, holy from #1349 dike - right as self-evident, the execution of judgment (this is the breastplate of the High Priest as is evidenced in Revelation 1, the golden girdle about the "paps" or breast, which gives a more complete description and includes the pocket where the "golden ornaments" lie over the heart - the Urim and Thummim -- Truth and Righteousness, the scales of justice).

Verse 15:

And your feet [#4228 - foot] shod [#5265 hupodeo] to bind under one's feet, from #5259 hupo - beneath, underneath and #1210 deo - to bind, to tie --

with the preparation [#2091 hetoimasia] preparation from #2090 hetoimazo - provided, made ready, instructed --

of the gospel [#2098 euaggelizo] announcement, declaration --

of peace [#1515 eireno/eiro (shalom in Hebrew)] unity, rest, completion.

Verse 16:

Above all [#1909 epi] upon that, on top of that --

taking [#353 analombano] receive unto self, take up

the shield [#thureos] door-shaped from #2374 thura - a portal, a DOOR, a gate --

of faith [#4102 pistis] persuasion, truth, assurance, conviction, credence (see esp. Rev. l 3:8-20; John 10:9) --

wherewith ye shall be able (empowered) to quench [#4570 sbennumi] extinguish --

all the fiery [#4448 puroo] to be ignited, inflamed, kindled from #4442 pur - lightning --

darts [#956 belos] arrows, spears, missiles from #906 ballo - thrust --

of the wicked [#4190 poneros] hurtful, evil ones.

Verse 17:

And take [same as before] receive unto yourself --

the helmet [#4030 peikephalaia - another word used in Rev. 1] encirclement of the head; i.e. a crown from #2776 kephale/kapto (again, another word used in Rev. 1) - the head --

of salvation [#4992 soterion] safety, refuge, protection, deliverance, from #4990 soter - deliverer from #4982 sozo (saos/sos) safe, protect, preserve, deliver, make whole --

and the sword [#3162 machaira] the short sword of judicial punishment from #3163 mache - controversy --

of the Spirit [#4151 pneuma] - breath (Neshamah) Divine Intellect --

which is the word [#4487 rhema] topic, matters, delivered utterance from #4483 rheo/ereo - commands, sayings, pourings forth akin/identical with #4482 rheo - to flow as water and #2036 epo - to speak, command, say --

of God [#2316 theos] Supreme Deity - the Almighty, Yahvah.

Verse 18:

Praying (always not in MS) [#4336 proseuchomai] supplicate, worship --

with all prayers [#4335 proserchomai] approaching, coming near, visit, assenting --

and supplication [#1162 de] petitioning, requesting from #1189 deomai - to beg, binding oneself, to bind, winding, to knit, or to tie (into a unit)

in the Spirit [#4151 pneuma] breath or Neshamah - Divine Intellect --

and watching thereunto [#69 agrupneo] to be sleepless, keeping awake, watch from #1 - alpha - one, first, unity and #5258 hupnos - spiritual sleep from #5259 hupo - beneath, underneath --

with all perserverance [#4343 proskarteresis] persistence from #4342 proskartereo - to be earnest toward, constantly diligent, continually #2594 kartereo - steadfast, patient, endure, strong from #2904 kratos - vigor, power, strength, dominion --

and supplication [#1162 de - same as above] --

for all saints [#40 hagios] sacred, blameless, consecrated, most holy - in Hebrew #2282 chag - a festival victim; i.e. a sacrificial lamb from #2287 chagag - the observance itself, the celebration or festival.


Paraphrase of Revelation 1:13-16:

And in the middle of the representatives of the Sevenfold Spirit, one like Ben Ha Adam (Son of The Man) clothed for endurance with the garment of overcoming and the breastplate of Truth and Righteousness, Urim and Thummim, the golden ornaments of Unity, the scales of justice.

His head crowned with whiteness (salvation) like wool, and descending through him hi fountains of living waters, like lightning missiles flashing (i.e. opposite the fiery darts of evil) as if they were refined by consumption in a furnace, and his declaration or announcement manifested and illuminated like plenteous water running down as rain.

And he held up in his right hand seven steadfast messengers clothed in the garment and armor of Yahvah, and his language was a weapon of judgment, and his visible image was like the image and reflection of Yahvah that manifests by rays all His (Yahvah's) glory, strength, and might.

Word by Word:

Verse 13:

And in the midst [#3319 mesos] - middle --

of the seven candlesticks [#3087 luchnia] lamps from #3088 luchnos - illuminations (i.e. the Sevenfold Holy Spirit, which is represented by 7 congregations and 7 messengers) --

one like unto the Son of Man [#5207 huios] son - in Hebrew ben - child --

of man [#444 anthropos] specifically "the" man (in Hebrew Ha Adam) - The Man --

clothed [#1746 enduo] clothed, arrayed, invested (same word as in Ephesians), as sinking into a garment --

with a garment [#4158 poderes] reaching to the ankles - from #4228 pous - foot --

down to the foot [#4228 pous] foot - this is a redundancy in English of the former words -

and girt about [#4024 perizonnumi] fasten on as a belt (again, the same word as in Ephesians) --

the paps [#3149 mastos] breast, chest --

with a golden [#5552 chruseos] golden from #5557 chrusos - ornamental --

girdle [#2223 zone] a belt, pocket, purse (i.e. the pocket in which the Urim and Thummim are placed) [This is a picture of Yahshua as the High Priest of Yahvah, wearing the Breastplate of Judgment with its Urim and Thummim inserted] -- from #2218 zugos - to join, balances, scales of justice, yoke. The Urim and Thummim ARE the scales of righteous judgment; the Urim and Thummim are, in fact, Truth and Righteousness. The above shows us that Yahshua wears the garment of endurance, the garment of an overcomer and wears the Breastplate of Judgment.

Verse 14:

His head [#2776 kephale] (again used in Ephesians) - head [i.e. the encirclement of it, or the crown which are the "hairs"] --

and hairs [#2359 trichos] - hair -- hair was considered a "crown", an adornment of the head. This is the crown of salvation --

were white [#3022 leukos] white, or more properly light --

like - meaning similar to --

wool [#2053 erion] - wool --

as white [#3022 leukos] same as above --

as snow [#5510 chion - as descending from above from #5490 chasma - an impassable gulf; i.e. salvation descends from above, we cannot ascend. There is an impassable gulf between us and Yahvah; thus Yahshua, the High Priest is the only way we might commune with the Father. He is THE door, THE way, THE entrance into communion with Yahvah. Remember, only the High Priest could enter the Holy of Holies once a year --

and his eyes [#3788 ophthalmos] ayin in Hebrew - fountains of living waters, springs of the Spirit --

were as a flame [#5395 phlox] a blaze, a flash of lightning --

of fire [#4442 pur] lightning (missiles or fiery darts of righteousness) --

Verse 15:

And his feet [same as above] --

as if they burned [#4448 puroo] inflamed, refined --

in a furnace [#2575 kaminos] a furnace from #2545 kalo - kindle, consume, burn, light --

and his voice [#5456 phone] declaration, announcement, disclosure, saying, address -- from #5316 phaino - to lighten, show, appear, think, enlighten from #5457 phos - to manifest, illuminate --

as the sound [#5456 phone] another redundancy for announcement, declaration --

of many [#4183 polus] many, much, plenteous --

waters [#5204 hudor/hudatos] water as running down like rain, from #5205 huetos - rain [i.e. as the Word of Yahvah].

Verse 16:

And he had in his right hand seven stars [#792 aster] as strewn from #4766 stroo - to spread as a carpet, from #4731 stereos - strong, steadfast, sure (i.e. the messengers are clothed with the "full armor of Yahvah") --

And out of his mouth [#4750 stoma] -- not "mouth" at all but language --

went a two-edged [#1366 distazo] duplicated from #1364 dis - twice (remember, Yahvah is no respecter of persons; thus, each of us are judged the same) --

sword [#4501 rhomphaia] here, the broad, long sword, the weapon of judgment --

and his countenance [#3799 opsis] - visage, visible image --

was AS the sun [#2246 helios] the sun, light, but specifically, a ray - akin to #138 haireomai - to take for oneself, to prefer and #142 airo - to be raised, to expiate sin; i.e. the one who is the mirror image, the reflection or "like" the "sun" (a metaphor for Yahvah, the "sun" of righteousness) --

shineth [#5316 phaino] appears, lightens, shows, from #5457 phos - to manifest by rays [i.e. the man made in Yahvah's perfect image] --

in his strength [#1411 dunamis] - might, miraculous power from #1410 dunamai - to be powerful, possible, able (i.e. in Yahvah's "glory").



When we compare the two sets of Scriptures we learn that Paul is speaking of the group of individuals who are to be conformed to the image of Yahshua, the body of Messiah, who, in the book of Revelation, is the mirror image of the Father; thus, the body of the Army of Yahvah are clothed in the rank and order of Melek-Zedek, the king-priests who are made a kingdom of priests and rulers with Yahshua. We are, therefore, not only conformed to the image of Yahvah's Son, who is Yahvah's own reflection in character, but we are "in" Yahshua, and Yahshua is "in" the Father. Because Yahshua has chosen us, we also have the Father "in" us. This does not make Yahshua the Father, nor does it make us Yahshua; it makes us one, a "unit", or a "family", which is why Yahshua stated "My Father and I are one". He is Yahvah's representative on earth, the High Priest-King in the order or rank of Melek-Zedek.