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Chrissa's Thunderbird

The picture below is my thunderbird. Its a 1997 Ford Thunderbird LX 3.8 V6. I love my car... I want to get a sticker for it... ya know like some people got a Chevy one and its like changes colors and stuff on their back windows... well i want one like that but a Ford one to put on my car... if anybody has ever heard of something like that tell me please...

I ain't worked on this page in a while which ain't good of me but anyways... I've had to get new tires for it cuz one of em went flat... so now i have white letter tires...and i took my name off the windows... and i still have yet to change the front speakers cuz i dont know how to get the door panels off and some of my friends have tried... if anybody knows how please tell me... i'd preciate it... i'm not gonna change the engine... its fine the way it is... just get some loud pies for it... get some new wheels and get it lowered and get some speakers for it... it has a long ways to go yet...

And I know I'm spelling sumthing wrong... I'm not a spelling major...

Curent Modes


Rampage Cd Player... 6by9 Pioneer 3 ways in the back... 25% tint (I think)


Spoiler... and Turbo Tech Tires... woo thats all...


Nothing.. LOL...

What I wanna Do

I wanna get me a good sound system... get some nice rims... lower it a lil bit... darker tint... diff cd player... make it louder make it purr... and turn it in to a show car...

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