Free Space Used or Claimed by Noted Patches: Final Fantasy III (US) Patch Allocation Guide, 2/28/11 Edition by Imzogelmo NOTE: This file is best viewed in a monospaced font, like Courier New. ---Changes in the 2/28/11 Update--------------------------------------------------------- > Added To Joker Doom or Not to Joker Doom, by Lenophis. > Added Holy Randomness Batman! by Lenophis. > Updated range of For What Ails Ya, as 1.1 uses more bytes (thanks assassin). > Changed website addresses for Djibriel and mblock129. ---Changes in the 1/26/10 Update--------------------------------------------------------- > Added several new patches by Lenophis et al. All those entries lie in the C2 bank. > Added ShaadowGirl by mblock129. > Removed several old patches which have been updated. ---Changes in the 9/29/07 Update--------------------------------------------------------- > Added Anchors Aweigh by Lenophis and Imzogelmo. > Added Lenophis' website info. ---Changes in the 10/28/05 Update-------------------------------------------------------- > Added ff3dashB and ff3dashC by Master ZED. > Corrected wrong info for ff3SepPwr (both size and bounds were incorrect; shameful). > Added info for Not Scary patch. > Added notes about conflicts with other patches regarding Not Scary (The patch itself will likely get an overhaul eventually, as it conflicts so much and uses two different methods to achieve its goal. One of those is both space-consuming and unnecessary due to the newer method. Also, the choice of RAM byte is dubious.). ---Changes in the 10/20/05 Update-------------------------------------------------------- > Added ZozoJump by mblock129. > Added other website address for Drakkhen. > Added DuncStay by mblock129. > Added Multi-Steal-Fix 1.0 by Imzogelmo (Removed ff3klepto 0.933). ---Changes in the 10/03/05 Update-------------------------------------------------------- > Added FF3Vain by mblock129. > Added FF3Edgar by mblock129. > Added mblock129's webpage info (since the above is his first addition to the PAG). > Added IconArr .20 by Assassin. ---Changes in the 9/09/05 Update--------------------------------------------------------- > Added JumpFix .15 by Assassin. > Corrected a small mistake in the above as pointed out by Assassin (thanks Assassin). ========================================================================================== Headered Raw Address: CPU Address: Bytes: Filename (version): Author: ---Zona dei polli------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00D813-00D873 C0D613-C0D673 97 24bitHP Cklein0001 00D874-00D888 C0D674-C0D688 21 Not Scary Imzogelmo 00D874-00D88C C0D674-C0D68C 25 ff3dashB Master ZED 00D874-00D88C C0D674-C0D68C 25 ff3dashC Master ZED 00D860-00D885 C0D660-C0D685 38 To Joker Doom or... (1.0) Lenophis ***** Not Scary, To Joker Doom, and ff3dashB/C are incompatible without modification as they conflict ***** 00D88D-00E09F C0D68D-C0DE9F 2067 2067 bytes Available! 00E0A0-00E19F C0DEA0-C0DF9F 256 IconArr (.20)* Assassin ---Zona degli scarabei-------------------------------------------------------------------- 00FEAB-00FEFB C0FCAB-C0FCFB 81 ff3NGplus Master ZED 00FEFC-00FEFF C0FCFC-C0FCFF 3 3 bytes Available! ---Condizione delle rane------------------------------------------------------------------ 0201E5-0201F7 C1FFE5-C1FFF7 19 19 bytes Reserved!*** 0201F8-0201FF C1FFF8-C1FFFF 8 8 bytes Available! ---Zona dei zebres------------------------------------------------------------------------ 026669-02668B C26469-C2648B 35 ff3f6m Master ZED 026669-026691 C26469-C26491 40 missingRage Terii Senshi ***** missingRage and ff3f6m are incompatible without modification as they conflict ***** 026992-02669D C26492-C2649D 12 psycho (1.1) Terii Senshi 0266CE-026713 C2649E-C264B6 25 25 bytes Available! 0266B7-0266E6 C264B7-C264E6 48 Summon This! Lenophis 0266E7-026712 C264E7-C26512 39 For What Ails Ya (1.1) Imzogelmo/Kejardon/Lenophis 026713-026713 C26513-C26513 1 1 bytes Available! 026714-026739 C26514-C26539 38 ff3umaro Master ZED 02673A-026744 C2653A-C26544 11 Anchors Aweigh! (1.1b) Imzogelmo/Lenophis 026745-026754 C26545-C26554 14 14 bytes Available! 026755-026764 C26555-C26564 16 ContrUpd (.10) Assassin 026765-02677C C26565-C2657C 24 Multi-Steal-Fix (1.0) Imzogelmo 02677D-026798 C2657D-C26598 28 There can be only one Imzogelmo/Lenophis 026799-02670A C26599-C2660A 114 114 bytes Available! 02680B-026817 C2660B-C26617 13 cover Cklein0001 026818-02688A C26618-C2668A 115 JumpFix (.15) Assassin 02688B-02689C C2668B-C2669C 17 I Condemn Thee to Hell! (1.0b) Lenophis 02689D-0268A4 C2669D-C266A4 8 8 bytes Available! 0268A5-0268CA C266A5-C266CA 38 Ignore Defense Lenophis 0268CB-0268FE C266CB-C266FE 52 Can't Lose for Winning! Lenophis 0268FF C266FF 1 1 byte Available! 026900-026951 C26700-C26751 82 ff3iid (1.7) Drakkhen 026952-0269BF C26752-C267BF 110 110 bytes Available! 0269C0-0269DA C267C0-C267DA 27 ff3ic (1.0) Drakkhen 0269CA-0269FF C267DB-C267FF 25 25 bytes Available! ---Pezzo degli iguanas-------------------------------------------------------------------- 02A85A-02A8ED C2A65A-C2A6ED 148 ff3SepPwr (2.3) Imzogelmo 02A8CE-02A935 C2A6CE-C2A735 104 Not Scary Imzogelmo ***** ff3SepPwr and Not Scary are imcompatible without modification as they conflict ***** 02A936-02A9FF C2A736-C2A7FF 202 202 bytes Available! ---Pezzo degli asini---------------------------------------------------------------------- 02FCA4-02FCAA C2FAA4-C2FAAA 7 7 bytes Reserved!*** 02FCAB-02FCB7 C2FAAB-C2FAB7 13 ff3bird (.15) Assassin 02FCB8-02FCBF C2FAB8-C2FABF 8 STimer0 (.20) Assassin 02FCC0-02FCCC C2FAC0-C2FACC 13 AutRunic (.15) Assassin 02FCCD-02FCCF C2FACD-C2FACF 3 3 bytes Available! 02FCD0-02FDD3 C2FAD0-C2FBD3 260 ff3rageAZ (.45) Assassin 02FDD4-02FDE1 C2FBD4-C2FBE1 14 ff3MDamg (.30) Assassin 02FDE2-02FDF1 C2FBE2-C2FBF1 16 STimer0 (.20) Assassin 02FDF2-02FDFC C2FBF2-C2FBFC 11 11 bytes claimed by Assassin 02FDFD-02FE0F C2FBFD-C2FC0F 19 BrSketch (.15) Assassin 02FE10-02FE2E C2FC10-C2FC2E 31 PinceRow (.15) Assassin 02FE2F-02FE3A C2FC2F-C2FC3A 12 ff3zomb (.20) Assassin 02FE3B-02FE5E C2FC3B-C2FC5E 36 CaptWeap (.20) Assassin 02FE5F-02FE60 C2FC5F-C2FC60 2 2 bytes Available! 02FE61-02FE6C C2FC61-C2FC6C 12 STimer0 (.20) Assassin ---Mare delle balene---------------------------------------------------------------------- 03F291-03F2FB C3F091-C3F0FB 107 107 bytes Available! 03F2FC-C3F36B C3F0FC-C3F16B 111 Holy Randomness Batman! (1.6) Lenophis 03F36C-0401FF C3F16C-C3FFFF 3732 3732 bytes Available! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 046C6C-046CBF C46A6C-C46ABF 84 84 bytes Available! ---Fief dei buoi del muschio-------------------------------------------------------------- 0481A8-0489BF C47FA8-C487BF 2072 2072 bytes Available! ---Regione degli elefanti del bambino----------------------------------------------------- 04A6C0-04BBFF C4A4C0-C4B9FF 5440 5440 bytes Available! ---Dimora dei polipi---------------------------------------------------------------------- 04F362-04F676 C4F162-C4F476 789 789 bytes Available! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0CE7EE-0CE7F7 CCE5EE-CCE5F7 10 SLOMP (.40) Imzogelmo 0CE7F8-0CE7FF CCE5F8-CCE5FF 8 8 bytes Available! ---/Dialogue Pointer Expansion Space/-------Campo da giuoco delle aquile------------------ 0D001A-0D00C3 CCFE1A-CCFEC3 170 ff3NGplus Master ZED 0D00C4-0D00C5 CCFEC4-CCFEC5 2 SLOMP (.40) Imzogelmo 0D00C6-0D00CF CCFEC6-CCFECF 10 FF3Edgar mblock129 0D00D0-0D0124 CCFED0-CCFF24 85 FF3Vain mblock129 0D0125-0D0145 CCFF25-CCFF45 33 ZozoJump mblock129 0D0146-0D0150 CCFF46-CCFF50 11 DuncStay mblock129 0D0151-0D0161 CCFF51-CCFF61 17 ShadowGirl mblock129 0D0162-0D01FF CCFF62-CCFFFF 157 157 bytes Available! (future use as events' fix?) ---/Dialogue Expansion Space/---------------Regno dei platypuses-------------------------- 0EF1AF-0EF1BA CEEFAF-CEEFBA 12 12 bytes Reserved!*** # 0EF1BB-0EF1CE CEEFBB-CEEFCE 20 ff3NGplus Master ZED 0EF1CF-0EF1E5 CEEFCF-CEEFE5 23 SLOMP (.40) Imzogelmo 0EF1E6-0EF21B CEEFE6-CEF01B 54 ShadowGirl mblock129 0EF21C-0EF2FF CEF01C-CEF0FF 228 228 bytes Available! ---/Location Names Expansion Space/------------------------------------------------------- 0EF663-0EF7FF CEF463-CEF5FF 413 413 bytes Available! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0F3EA0-0F3EFF CF3CA0-CF3CFF 96 96 bytes Available! ---/Monster Formation Data Expansion Space/----------------------------------------------- 0F85C0-0F85FF CF83C0-CF83FF 64 64 bytes Available! ---Regno dei conigli---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0FD150-0FD2CF CFCF50-CFD0CF 384 Used by Cklein0001's 24bitHP as 3rd byte of HP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0FFD29-0FFDFF CFFB29-CFFBFF 215 215 bytes Available! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0FFEE0-0FFEFF CFFCE0-CFFCFF 32 32 bytes Available! ---/Short Esper Bonus Expansion Space/---------------------------------------------------- 100147-10019D CFFF47-CFFF9D 87 87 bytes Available! ---/Blitz and SwdTech Expansion Space/---------------------------------------------------- 1001BE-1001FF CFFFBE-CFFFFF 66 66 bytes Available! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1097E6-1099FF D095E6-D097FF 538 538 bytes Available! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10D149-10D1FF D0CF49-D0CFFF 183 183 bytes Available! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11EB89-11ECD7 D1E989-D1EAD7 335 335 bytes Available! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 127170-1271FF D26F70-D26FFF 144 144 bytes Available! ---/Monster Composition Expansion Space/-------------------------------------------------- 12B424-12B4FF D2B224-D2B2FF 220 220 bytes Available! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14F846-1501FF D4F646-D4FFFF 2490 2490 bytes Available! ---/Esper Data Expansion Space/----------------------------------------------------------- 187128-1871FF D86F28-D86FFF 216 216 bytes Available! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2D8DCA-2D905A ED8BCA-ED8E5A 657 657 bytes Available! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2D909B-2D90FF ED8E9B-ED8EFF 101 101 bytes Availalbe! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2DFEAA-2DFFFF EDFCAA-EDFCFF 342 342 bytes Available! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2EB101-2EB3FF EEAF01-EEB1FF 767 767 bytes Available! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * The patch itself does not take up the full 256 bytes, but rather it reserves this space for future hackers to fill with icon indexes in the desired "Arrange" order. *** Deprecated--This is open in FF3us v1.0 but not in v1.1. # Master ZED's ff3NGplus patch, if applied to v1.0, will fill in this area to match the data of v1.1. It appears to be garbage data in either version, but it is probably best to leave it alone regardless. ========================================================================================== FAQ: Q: Why don't I see my patch XXXX listed? A: It could be that I didn't realize your patch used free space. Many patches are done "in-place," meaning that they re-arrange or optimize existing code to fit in. Those patches are not included in this file, as they do not take up otherwise empty space. Also, it could be that your ad campaign just wasn't hyped up enough. In which case, you may want to hire a better agency. :P Q: Where can I find these wonderful "patches"? A: It depends on the author. So, here are the links to the pages; surf around to find the specific links to whichever patch (that's up to you): Assassin: -OR- Cklein0001: Formerly at, now defunct. Djibriel: (Djibriel no longer hosts his patches, see assassin's pages for those.) Drakkhen: -OR- Imzogelmo: Lenophis: Master ZED: mblock129: Terii Senshi: ========================================================================================== NOTES: This document is not intended to show all free spaces in the ROM, just some of interest. Also, this does not cover all space used by all patches, just ones that I knew of at the time of writing this document. If a region is marked "Available!" that simply means that it is unused by any patches to my knowledge; it should not be considered to be permanently unused, as more patches are released all the time. The names of free spaces, given in Italian, are not considered "official" and have no bearing on anything, except as a convenience to myself; they are also funny and somewhat meaningful (if you use your imagination a lot). Finally, "in-place" patches and portions of patches are not mentioned, since they do not use up any free space.