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There are many different strategies but these are the five most basic ones. I hope that this will help you.


(1) Defense

This is a good strategy if u don’t wont to get killed by rushers. People that pick this as there strategy (if forge world on) make big hills to get height advantage, they then build lots of towers and fill them with fire warriors making it vary hard to get into there base. They then build lots of huts witch gives them mana they site back getting mana they then charge big spells (Volcano, Angel of Death, Earthquake, Firestorm, extra) or they train lots of guys whatever works depending on player. They wait for the right time to attack. Sometimes it’s a good idea to sit back and let them kill each other. Then you just go in and Finnish them off. The only problem with this is that you don’t have as much space to build (making hills takes up space to build) and other people can build faster plus have more space.

(2) Rushing

This works really well if u have a good plan behind it. Rushing is basically attacking in the first five minutes of the game. This strategy works best with out forge because with forge you can have 5-8 times as many braves but without forge you start with just a few braves. Most rushers use guys to attack with but some go in with there shaman and just simply use blast to kill them (this is not the best way but it works. Personally I think using guys is much better. A good way to win is send a small fleet of guys, use whatever combinations. I will let u play around with that see what works best for u but it’s a good idea not to send all of them at once space them out. Keeps sending them in the enemy’s base don’t stop tell there dead. Mean time why you are doing that convert wild men and start building. The only problem with rushing is u have no buildings or mana because you used them in the rush. This tactic does not always work some people are very good at fighting off the rush.

(3) Troop Attacks

This is basically about getting the wild men first and having good building space. You have to build up the training huts very fast and train as many people as possible. Then you build up about 6 huts and get enough mana to charge up some good attacking spells. After you have done that you might want to take out the enemy shaman because the troops can get wiped out in just a few swamps. Then again you don’t want to send them all in at once. Spread them out so that it keeps a constant attack on the enemy. If this plan goes wrong you might want to put up some towers to give you some time and defense against any counter attacks by the enemy. The worst person to send in the troops at are the shaman attack players because troops are basically worthless against a swamp and or any other powerful spells.

(4) Shaman Attack

This is a very important tactic in the game of populous. You must learn the best ways of building as many huts as possible to receive maximum mana and guys.Shaman attackers usually have good defense just in case of a bad move you have done with the enemy doesn’t turn ugly. The player must learn how to constantly be moving so you are not shot out by an enemy lightning or other spells and work very hard on timing attacks. This is also one of the hardest skills to master. So keep at it.

(5) All Around players

These are players that usually are not good at any one skill they are OK at all of them most of the time. Sometimes they are good at all of them but not vary often.They use whatever skills are necessary to win the level it’s a good way to win because you can never really be sure what they might do. The only problem is that you are not strong at any one Skill. Making it easier for other people to win because they have one skill that is worked up to the vary best. So you will have to use all of your skills to fight there really good one.