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Populous walk through


Level 1:The Journey Begins


This level is the first level and probably the easiest one of all. The first thing you should do is build all the huts you can, huts give you mana and more braves. You have limited building space. Tell one of your braves to worship the stone head in your base. The stone head in your base will give you land bridges you can use then to bridge over to the other island. There is more space to build a stone head that contains lighting and a vault of knowledge use your shaman to worship it. You will get a building plan that allows you to train warriors build it on your new island. Mean time have someone worship other stone so you will have lighting to cast when you have about 10 warriors or so and lots of braves bridge over with land bridge and attack them with your shaman try to sneak up and take out the reds shaman using lighting. Then go back to your base and bring your 10 warriors to attack. After that the mission is over.


Level 2: Night Falls


The first thing you do on this level is build two huts and one warrior training hut around your reincarnation site. Then tell your shaman to worship the totem pole that’s in between the hills that cut across to greens base. The totem pole will make a land bridge out to the head stone in the water near your base. This will give you tornado its worth it. Then keep building Intel you have a nice big population. Then build about 15 warriors go in with your shaman and all your warriors. Use tornado on greens warrior training hut and any other huts. In the mean time your warriors are finishing greens base off find greens shaman she is in a tower in the back of the base after that the level should be over.


Level 3: Crisis of Faith


On this level quickly grab your shaman and head over to the totem pole which is always away from your base but you have to do this. After you are done worshiping the hills the block the way to the vault of knowledge will be eroded. Go over to the vault and worship you will get a priest hut from this allowing you to convert enemy troops such as warriors, braves, spies, fire warriors. Then go back to your base and build a warrior hut and a priest hut build five preachers and 10 warriors or so and attack you must do this quickly or else they get built up to fast. Let your preachers preach. Then send 3 of your warriors to kill yellow shaman and have the rest for back up and or destroying huts. This should kill them for good.


Level 4:Combined forces


This is the level where it starts to get hard they start to send small attacks. At the start tell your shaman to worship the vault of knowledge this will give you a guard tower. Build it where you think is a good spot to start a second base the other base you have is to small, all you can build is one hut, that one hut should be a warrior training hut. There is an another stone head that needs to be worshiped, this will give you converts. The ability to convert wildmen, but you only get four of them so use them wisely. Start building on your second base. Build a preacher hut and many hut plans. Start building preachers and warriors make a campfire on the out side your base where the enemy troops come in. Tell your preachers and warriors to march around the fire. Build some guard towers. Now go in after have some mana and go for the vault of knowledge. There should be many warriors and preachers in the way but that all depends on how fast you are. Use blast and swarm to kill them. You must be quick at this for a warrior can kill a shaman quick. Once you have finished worshiping and you have lighting come back to your base and build a big attack up. They will be attacking a lot if you are a good skilled player you can use lighting to take out the shaman every time with out messing up using timing shots. Sit up in a tower to do this. So how good are you at it? I’m sure it will take time to learn this but if you wont to ever be good at multi player you should learn this. You are now ready after getting guys, go in a finish them. They have a very small base. You can use your shaman to lighting out the training huts. This is a good idea to do if you do this they cant build warriors etc. you can use just your shaman to kill the enemy but it takes longer when you don’t have good spells which you don’t in the beginning of the game.


Level 5: Death from Above


This level is easy, I mean really easy! Ok the first thing you do is tell your shaman to go in the guard tower, this over looks an island that is full of wildmen. Tell one of your braves to worship the stone head. (Not the totem pole don’t bother with that it’s a waste of time) You will get converts use them on the wildmen on the island, tell them to worship the totem pole then you will get a boat. By then you should need to turn on some spell, so charge swarm. Tell all your men to go in a campfire. (Campfires give you the same amount of mana as braves being in huts) good now you have lots of mana. Tell a brave to get in the boat. Select the boat and send it to the island where your shaman is now. Make your shaman get in the boat, sail over to the Angel of Death statue. Get out. There are lots of Dakini troops so use blast, swarm, and lighting (what ever it takes to get there) Then start to worship. Levels over you win.


Level 6: Building Bridges


This level can be fun. You can use a strategy that is called rushing. First tell your shaman to get the vault of knowledge. This will give you convert, while she is doing that build two huts those huts should be warrior training and a temple. When your braves are done tell them to split-up into two groups. Tell one group to become warriors, tell the other group to become preachers. While they do that convert wildmen and make your way to yellows base to steal there wildmen. (Hint wildmen flock to water so that is the best way to find them there is a small pool of water above your base get the wildmen there) Then you should take the wildmen and tell them to build a tower this will be your second base then go back to your base make some huts and more priest and send the priests to go to yellows base. This will be the first wave of attack. It would be a good idea to have your shaman there to make sure that attack works. Blast any preachers that may interfere. Then your second wave should be done send it in. By now, yellow should be suffering and soon will die make sure they do. If you did this fast enough green should have not bridged over to your island yet and you should have mana from your two bases. Now just build a bigger attack why you wait for green to bridge over. When they do you will be ready to wipe them out with a huge attack. As soon as green bridges kill the shaman and then send in your attack this should kill them in a flash but just in case send your shaman to help. Levels over.


Level 7: Unseen Enemy


In this level you can use the same skill as in the last level, but you now have the land bridge to use. So, turn off blast and leave on convert. Get all the wildmen. Once you have all the wildmen then turn on land bridge, but first let us go back to building. In stead of building around your reincarnation site you most use guard towers. If you split your guys into 3rds and build towers on your island the building will go faster. Build warriors, preachers, and huts. Being able to rush in this level depends on how fast you build. You can still do it on this level even if you are on two separate islands, but you have to be really fast at building. Make warriors preachers like before. By now you should have a land bridge, so bridge out to the stone head that is in the water and worship it. Keep land bridge on. Have your attack ready and bridge in. Use your attack to kill them off. While that is going on run over to the enemies reincarnation site with your shaman. The stone head you are worshiping should have an erode. There is a thin spoke that leads to their reincarnation site erode it so their shaman is trapped. Now you won't have to deal with them coming back. Now finish off the base and then when you feel like it go and kill the shaman so the game ends.


Level 8: Continental Divide


At the beginning of this level switch all spells off except for convert. Start building preachers and warriors and put one guy on a hut plane. Start converting wildmen go all over the map. Then when you get some wildmen, build a tower right there and start building around it. Build a preacher hut and a couple huts. Then make your way to the vault of knowledge. On the way there will be four warriors on the hill you most pass. Use your blast to get by them. Then go down to the hill to where the vault is. Start to worship it and convert wildmen tell them to start one more base there. Now build a fire warrior and a preacher hut. Then go back to your first base and take the braves out of the huts to then build more huts. Tell your guys to become preachers and warriors. Start converting more wildmen and making more bases. Build more huts you should now have many bases all over the map and many warriors, preachers and fire warriors. Tell them all to attack the base. This is cool now, because the base is attacked from ever side and the base is doomed. This is one of my favorite tricks. Use your shaman to finish them off and the level is over.


Level 9: Fire in the Mist


Ok the most imported thing to remember about this level is: there is a island with a volcano and you and your enemy have the ability to use the volcano. If you use it you must not take too long to kill them or they will have the volcano to use on you. There are ways to stop them. You simply get there first. Use land bridge. This will take a long time, but it works or you have to get the vault of knowledge (containing boats) or steal one of there boats or kill them off. It's your choice to do any of them, its important that you follow these steps. If you are just going to kill them turn off all spells excepted convert. Then tell your braves to build a warrior, fire warrior, and preacher hut. Then go into the fog to explore. Converting wildmen as you go you until you find two stone heads. At the stone heads get the new braves you converted and tell them to Worship. One of the stones is earthquake and the other is tornado. You should have warriors and preachers by now. You should start building huts.Take some braves and look in the fog for their base. When you find it tell your small army to attack. Send your shaman in and use earthquake and tornadoes. If you did this fast enough there should not have much built, just a few huts and a boat hut (really easy to destroy). If it is not easy to destroy the preachers will help (that’s why I told you to send in a few preachers, warriors, fire warriors). Getting the volcano is a slower way of doing it but works. Just as before follow the same steps, but instead of attacking just worship the vault. Then build boats and go out to the island convert all the wildmen and worship. Then go in later when they are more built up and use the volcano in their base.


Level 10: From the Depths


This one can be hard for some. It takes skill and speed. In the beginning you most hurry for the boat. Grab a few guys. (Not braves there is more then enough elsewhere) The Green shaman is eroding your base so you most hurry. There is a small island with a totem on it. Blast the warriors off and kill the priest in the tower. (Note you don’t have a reincarnation site so you have to be careful with your shaman) Worship totem. An island will come up out of the sea. Quickly go there and covert all the wildmen. You will covert about 15 or so. Tell 5 of them to build boats and the rest to fix all the buildings. Your populations should go up to 25 or so. Be making warriors and priest (not fire warriors they are blown off into the water the second they land) put all your guys in boats. You should have five boats send four in and leave the one with your shaman behind. (The fire warriors can shoot her off climbing up the hill really easy.) Wait till your troops kill the enemy troop and when you think its safe send in your shaman to help with what ever. Quickly worship the totem and the level is over.


Level 11: Treacherous Souls


On this level build all training huts like usual and turn off all spells but convert (by now this should be a habit, so I don’t have to tell you this any more) and start converting over to green's base. Steal all of their wildmen and use some braves to worship the stone head. You will get swamp by the time you get to green's base you should have one swamp. Swamp out their training huts so the can't build guys, then send in your troops and take them out. This is a good spot for a new base ( Lots of trees and space. They have more trees and space then you have.) Once you have a nice build base use land bridge to bridge into yellow. There is a high cliff in their base. Climb to the top and lighting and swamp their base until they don’t have many guys. Then send in your forces and wipe them out.


Level 12: An Easy Target


The thing to do on this level is build four preachers and a warrior hut. Get all the wildmen and then charge one land bridge. Start building towers all over your base and put fire warriors in them. Bridge to yellow's base and take them out. You won’t need much just four preachers or so. Then build a second base there and fill it with huts. Again build towers all over the island. By now you should have lots of mana and a population of 70 or so. Keep building until you can’t build any more. Remember to take guys out of huts to build. Then go in to both bases and take them out with huge attacks, take out all the towers first with your shaman.


Level 13: Aerial Bombardment


The first thing you do is convert all the wildmen. Build towers all over the cliffs. Yellow will attack using balloons. You also must attack green using your shaman. This time keep your guys for mana and building huts and fire warriors for the balloons. There are stone heads all over the map. You need to worship them all. They are: volcano, firestorm and magic shield. Anyway use your shaman to get the vault of knowledge. You will then get one earthquake. You might have to kill some guys trying to get there. It all depends on how fast you are. Then go straight from there to green's base. Use your earthquake and bring in a few fire warriors to help. Kill them by just using blast and lighting. By the time your fire warriors get there, there wont be much left. Again build a second base. Instead of putting your shaman in their balloons that get killed by your guard towers. Use land bridge. The best place to do this is bridge out to the island that has a stone head on it. You want this because it's firestorm which is a good spell to have. So send some braves over to worship it. Put fire warriors in the balloons. The reason not to put your shaman in them is that all it takes is two hits by a fire warrior to kill her. Keep bridging along till you get to their base (it my take some time). Keep filling balloons with fire warriors and worship the stones on your land. As soon as you get there, go in with your shaman and volcano, fire storm and earthquake them. Once that is over they have nothing left, so send in your fire warriors. (The ones in your balloons) as they come magic shield them (you should have got this in a stone head on your island) and the level is over.


Level 14: Attacked From All Sides


At the start of this build a guard tower by the beachfront so you can build fast. This time charge land bridge and convert. Start building what you need to rush green. The problem is you can't get there. Build lots of huts. Red will be coming in with spy, so get ready for that keep an eye open. When you get Land Bridge, bridge up to greens base and use everything you got on them (which isn’t much) start building a base up there. Rush them with your guys. Now that you took green out you have lots of space to build on, it would be a good idea to build towers everywhere. Red and yellow come in with boats. Your next target should be the tribe that is on the island with you. You should charge lighting and then earthquake tornado and what ever destructive spells you got and go in. Use all the spells on them. You should build up a big attack too. That should kill red. Get their vault of knowledge and it's firestorm (it could be of use). The next attack use boats and invisible preachers and warriors. While they are getting preached, come in with your shaman again using all your spells. (This time including firestorm) and the level is over.


 Level 15: Incarcerated


This is the level everyone gets stuck on. Well first, you need to free your shaman and you have only a few minutes. Convert wildmen, then tell five of your guys to build boats (there are two ways to do this). Whatever you do don’t build fire warriors they are shot out of the boat too easily and they are just a waste of time. Fill all five of your guys in the boats. (Guys train faster in training huts if you have lots of mana) When a guys is done being trained put him back into a hut so you get mana. In this level you should pull braves out of huts to train them. After you get 25 guys or so, go in to attack. You most go fast at landing because the guys in the towers shoot you quickly. Land and kill their preacher and preach their warriors. Quickly send your warriors to all the towers around the prison so their fire warriors will be killed. Now free your shaman with little time to spare. Now go to the obelisk and worship. This will give you a volcano. Go down the small narrow path that leads into their base and put the volcano smack in the middle. You might have to use a few blast to finish them off, but I don’t think so. Level over.


Level 16: Bloodlust


This best thing to do on this level is make a balloon hut and a fire hut only. Charge magic shield. Make fire warriors and send them in balloons magic shielded over to green's base. Take them out before they can build. Quickly go back and build preacher huts because red is going to send in warriors and you need something to fight them off with. Go back to your base and use your balloons as tower to defend. Now charge land bridge. The base you have has no trees, so you need to land bridge down the hill so you can get to green's base. Now build a second base. There is a stone head over there; take control of it, it is bloodlust. Now when you get enough Bloodlust use them on warriors and fire warriors and send them in along with some preachers. You should be able to take both teams out like this with no problem.


Level 17: Middle Ground


This is a multi play level, some of you might recognize it. The best way to do this is make fire warriors and many warriors. Make towers along your base and fill them with fire warriors. The stone in the middle that all the tribes are fighting over is Armageddon. Charge flatten and when you have the chance flatten it all out so the tribes can't get it. Keep flattening to your base so you are the only one. Worship it. When you get it make sure you have at least 30-40 warriors and 20-30 fire warriors and about 50-80 brave if you want to win Armageddon.


Level 18: Headhunter


This is probably one of the hardest levels of all. All the teams attack you from all sides, plus red is worshiping the Armageddon spell ,so you most have more then all of them if you want to win. The best thing to do is in the beginning of the game get wildmen across the river and tell them to build a tower (this will be second base) that will be your main base to get ready for Armageddon over there. The other tribes don’t seem to bother that base, but your main base they do, so you will need to defend it as much as you can. Start building warriors most of all. (Priest don’t work in Armageddon) keep the building if you are not ready for red to get Armageddon. Then find where they are worshiping and stop them. Good luck.


Level 19: Unlikely allies


On this level build one tower as close you can get to yellow's base and charge land bridge. Build up preachers to help your ally from attacks. When you get a land bridge get in the tower and bridge over. Send preacher to help. Now build huts down in the valley. Build as much as you can because after red attacks yellow there are times red will come in the back way and attack you. There is volcano and teleport on this level, get them and use them on red. After you get them, send in guys you should be done with this level.


Level 20: Archipelago


This level is pretty easy. First build huts every where along with fire warriors and priest. Charge land bridge and expand all over until you got enough mana. Build a boat hut and go in to get there vault with your shaman. Shoot out the towers first. Once you are done launch the Angel of Death. Have a big attack ready and charge earthquake. (This spell is quick to get very little mana) Land bridge back to your base so your forces can come in. You should earthquake soon, once you get it, launch it and the enemy is doomed.

Level 21: Fractured Earth


The first thing you should do is worship the totem pole. It stops a volcano from happening. Then see if you can get to the vault fast because when you get the vault a volcano will form in your base. (The reason to get the vault quickly is because less of your base will be destroyed by the volcano. The longer it takes to get to the vault the more your base will be established and destroyed.) Build many guys huts and it wouldn't hurt to build a second base too. Instead of coming into their base the front way, build a tower on the cliff by your base and charge a land bridge. Now bridge in and launch the volcano you got from the vault of knowledge. Now send in an attack to wipe them out. Watch out for towers as they have a lot of them. Level over.



Level 22: Solo


The first thing you do on this level is worship the obelisk. So you get max mana. Then you must kill red off. Well this is easy, as all you must do is swamp their 2-3 huts and just walk by so the braves in the hut run out to kill you. Too bad, the swamps there and they all die. All that should be left is the shaman lighting here. Then get in the boat and go off to the next tribe, which should be yellow. Climb up the hill where the balloon is lighting out the tower and use volcano. (This is the best place for it because it is lower ground). Now finish them off and make your way to green. Launch Angel of Death. Then go to where the 3rd obelisk is and charge only Angel of Death. Now you will have another one, launch it and turn on another spell. You should still have mana left over. Be careful of fire warriors and take out the rest of the base. Level over.


Level 23: Infer no


This level is easy. The best way to win is to rush both teams on your island using balloons (remember to magic shield them). Send them into both bases then when they are out of the way build more bases. And worship the stone head in the middle of the island. The tribe that is out on its own island has many towers. Take them out, use lighting to do this with your shaman in a balloon. Then use volcano and other spells on them. You could send in troops but there is really no need to when you have your shaman. Level over.



Level 24: Journey's End


The first thing you should do is make towers right where the spoke leads into green's base. Then erode all the other spokes so that red and yellow fight each other. Now take out green's base (it’s a good spot for building and it has lots of trees). When you are built up to the point where you think you can kill the other teams, land bridge in and kill them off.


Level 25: The Beginning

This is really just a have fun level, so go have fun. See if you can do it with out my help.




If you need more help then this then e-mail me at