the Backstreet Boys were ROBBED!!!!

I'm sure you all know by now that the Backstreet Boys didn't win any Grammys. What stinks is the fact that they lost to an old guy that doesn't even sing a note!! Are you as upset as I am that our boys left empty-handed? Are you proud to be a BSB fan??? Do you own a website of any kind??? If you answered yes to these questions, then I urge you to display this banner on you site to let all of your visitors know that you stand by the boys and recognize the great injustice done to them!

Just copy this code and change the ]'s to >'s.

[a href=""][img src=""][/a]

If you don't have a webiste, send us your comments on the results of the grammys and we'll post them here. KEEP THE BACKSTREET PRIDE ALIVE!!!

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