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   Home  |  Compositions  |  Eco Ideas

Welcome to Alpal's Home, the website of the greatest person to ever walk this earth! ... or not. Anyway, it's not much, but here you can access files such as my musical (MIDI) compositions and some of our compiled ideas from the GameSpot eco topic.

So, choose your fate:


11/16/05 - Random Update

Yeah... I haven't updated this in a long time. And basically all I've done is changed the font. *shifty eyes* But I might add some new compositions soon... or something. Apparently, Weasel came here recently, so yeah... 'Twas weird. I logged into Angelfire for the first time in a while, and it said that I got 8 page views yesterday. But I don't even promote the site... Meh, whatever.

2/5/05 - Eco Ideas and Compositions Pages Changed

I made some changed to the site today. First, I made an actual page for our eco ideas, and I've now made it available in both .doc format and .pdf format. Also, I added some of our new eco ideas and did some reformatting to make it look better. And finally, I added a new piece to my Compositions page. I'll add more pieces over time.

1/29/05 - Eco Diagram Added to Eco Ideas

Wow! The eco topic is moving faster than it has for a while! It almost reminds me of my brainstorming sessions with Chiyo at the beginning of the eco topic... Those were the days... Anyway, we've thought up some cool new ideas, and my friend The_Tortured (a.k.a. Iron Claw) went to the trouble of creating a diagram of the eco types we've managed to conjure up. So, feel free to take a look at it in the Eco Ideas word document.

1/27/05 - Alpal's Home Opens

So, I created this site solely because Angelfire doesn't allow direct linking, and I wanted to be able to let people download a few files. Anyway, if anyone wants me to add anything to this site (comments, etc.), just tell me at GS or LJC and I'll put them here. I doubt anyone will, though...

                                                      © Copyright 2005 Alpal & Co. All rights reserved.