Ancient Manuscript.

I'm sorry,.... there is no excuse for what you're about to read.
You may blame it all on Caliope! :P

The Happy Alex Saga

An ancient manuscript found in one of Caliope’s magic notebooks, written by a VERY bored Alex Destine many many many years ago….
actually, the date on the manuscript is May 10, 2000 :P
It has been translated and re edited by an ever MORE bored Caliope.
It reads as follows:

So, here’s the story of happy Alex.
Happy Alex was very….happy?? -_- Until a band of Marry Monkeys came from Homework Land to take her away.
Happy Alex was now scared Alex! So she ran! Far, far away…
to be continued….(brief hiatus in writing)

Part 2 of the Happy Alex Saga!
So she ran…and ran…and, (oh, you get the point!) Until she found Weird Demented Cali!
Now, Weird Demented Cali had been chased by imps who were trying to take her to the evil Homework land as well.
Both Happy Alex and Weird Demented Cali escaped to LaLa Land where the got a permanent Visa until the authorities of LaLa Land noticed Happy Alex hadn’t paid her taxes.
So they called the imps and the marry monkeys.
Happy Alex and Weird Demented Cali were now fugitives who spent their free time reading comic books and Manga while running from the Law.
Then one day, the girls had been playing in the mud and then decided to take a dip at the local Jell-o factory.
From then on all jello tasted like dirt and the girls were now being sued…
Happy Alex and Weird Demented Cali were caught by the proper authorities and were made to pay the 50cent fine for their crimes.
By the time the marry monkeys and the imps caught up with them collage was over and Homework Land had closed it’s doors to visitors.

"We shall come again!", they said.
"….riiiiiiiight…..", the girls replied.
THE END!!!! :P

Ok… this was beyond weird… I actually wrote this on one of Cali’s notebooks.
(yes, I was very, veeeeeryyy bored)
I just wanted Cali to have a little something to remember me by in those 2 short summer months.
(summer is really short when u think of all the things u could do. And isn’t it bad when u finally figure what it is u wanna do when school’s about to start in a few weeks?… -_-)