Hello, hello!!! ^_^

Remember, whatever you read from now on, blame it on my muses: Duo & Quatre!!
It’s all their fault!!....... I swear!!! ~.^

Kitchen Disasters: Heather & Alex style!

Once upon a time there were two girls who lived in a mansion on top of the highest mountain in Lala Land. There names were Alex & Heather.
One day these two girls were left all alone in the house since Caliope, Elisa, Victor & the Announcer 2.0 (along w/ the animal cast) left for no apparent good reason!

The Alex was very happy watching a taped episode of her favorite show,
(guess??... come on! Guess!!! I DARE YOU!! :P)
Then suddenly The Heather came jumping around.

“Hey Alex, let me watch Reboot!” said the Heather
“Heather, honey.... I’m watching this” said the Alex
“But they don’t give Gundam Wing now?!?!” <--- (well, if u hadn’t guessed the show by now.... -_-)
“Nope, it’s taped.... but I’m still watching it!”
“That’s a very selfish attitude Alex!”
“You should talk! You have all of Reboot taped as well!!!
“But I like to see it anyway!!” cried the Heather

And then,..... it happened!
“Wow! Alex was that your tummy?!?”
“No way! It was yours!!” said a red face Alex
“HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAA!” laughed the Heather.
“Ok, now that one was mine” said the red face Heather
“........... HHAHAHHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!” laughed the Alex
“Ok ok! Fine already!... let’s cook something”
“Ok!” ^_^

The two girls headed toward the kitchen were they were now ready to begin cooking the greatest lunch on Earth!!
“What do you mean FROOT LOOPS?!?!?!!?” screamed the Heather
“Well fine..... but it IS nutritious!” complained the Alex
“Kindly remove yourself from my kitchen, before I slap you with my spatula!”
“No way I’m leaving!.... everyone knows that if you don’t cook, then you do dishes and I’m not doing those!”
“Well we’re not eating cereal for lunch while I’m the cook around here!!” said the Heather as she began to take eggs out from the fridge.
“Then what are you making?” asked the Alex
“We’re making omelets, so get your eggs!”

The Heather & the Alex continued their great task of omelet making...... but of course, a few eggs ended on the floor in the process.
“You got in my way! It’s your fault the floor is dirty!” said the Heather
“Hahaha... don’t blame your clumsiness on “moi” heeheeeheee” said the playful Alex
“You’re cleaning it!”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
“Am not!”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15 min. Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“I know! Announcer 2.0 will clean it!!” said the Alex
“OK! ^_^” agreed the Heather :P

By some miracle of nature the girls had managed to start cooking their omelets, so they now began to work on their drinks!
“I want cranberry juice!” said the Alex
“We ran out” said the Heather
“Whaaaaaa???.... who drank it!!!??!?!”
“Well, I think I saw Cali & Victor making a bet on if you could get drunk out of cranberry juice alone...”
“It’s just juice!”
“Yeah, but they just wanted to know which of them could drink more juice then the other! ^_^ Elisa didn’t drink, she was the designated driver.”
“Heather! Cranberry juice alone wont get you drunk, and why would they need a designated driver if they were right here?!!!??” said the not-so-happy Alex
“Well, in case they DID want to go somewhere!!” said Heather as a matter-of-fact!
“I have a headache.....”

By the time they finally decided to drink some Fruit Punch, they noticed their omelet was burning!
“EEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!” cried both girls!
As they both ran toward their crispy lunch Alex fell flat on the floor thanks to the slippery eggs. Alex grabbed a hold of Heather as the girl was just reaching their omelet, but of course, Alex just pulled Heather down with her and the omelet fell on top of Heathers hair.
“HOT, HOT, HOT.........” cried Heather
“Feeling hot, hot, hot.....” sang the Alex ^_^
“Quit the corny jokes Alex!!!”

After settling down a bit, which took about 20 minutes to make Alex stop crying, both girls looked at their great lunch.
The completely burned omelet (on top of Heathers head) & their Fruit Punch drinks.
“It could’ve been worst Heather....”
“Not likely....”
“Well, you’re right.”
-_- <--- Heather

Suddenly the doors burst open to reveal......
“Hey girls! We’re back!” said Victor
“We went down to the mall and got lots of stuff! Wanna see?” said Caliope
“Yeah, a bunch of pretty dresses!!! And some cool stuff for when those evil mutated bunnies come again” said Elisa.
Announcer 2.0 was busy carrying all the bags.
“Oh here A2.0, let me help you”said Victor
“Oh thank you!!!”

Victor just grabbed the smallest bag, which was the one that was supporting all the others. As Victor kept on walking with the little thing, the rest of the bags the Announcer was carrying fell flat on the floor!
“I hate you!!!” cried the A2.0
“I know you don’t mean that! :P” said Vic as he stuck out his tongue.

Heather and Alex jumped out from the kitchen and into the living room where the rest of the guys were.
“You guys went shopping??!.... and you didn’t tell us?!!?” cried both girls
“You guys were still sleeping when we left” explained Elisa
“That’s no excuse! You guys wake me up when we have to go to school or when we have to battle evil bunnies!..... but nooooooo! Not when you’re going shopping!!” said upset Alex
“It’s just that.... you and Heather looked so cute sleeping!!” said Cali
“Don’t hand us that...” said Heather
“We do!?.... really?.... Wow! I’m cute anytime!” said Alex ^_^
“Oh Alex....” said Heather
“Works every time!” said happy Caliope =^_^=

“Well, just so you two wouldn’t be mad at us or anything, we brought you lunch!”said Victor “Unless you’ve already eaten...”
Before he had finished the sentence both girls were ripping apart the small bag Victor had taken from A2.0
“YEY! It’s KFC!!” said Alex
“This is not healthy for you....” said Heather
“Does that mean I can eat yours?...”
“NO! What are you, crazy!?!? No way! I’m so hungry I’ll eat anything!” said Heather as she took big bites.
^_^ <-- Alex

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The End!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!” screamed Announcer 2.0 “What sort of demons passed through this kitchen???!?!?!”
“Oh Announcer, it was awful! Heather just ran like mad and did all this!......
I was so scarred! *tear* !_!”
said Alex
“WHAT?!?!” O_O said Heather

Heather then grabbed her spatula and began to chase after Alex who was running like crazy all over the backyard.
“Aren’t those two cute?” said Victor
“Not really, they’re disturbing” said Elisa
“Hey! I wanna play too!!” said Caliope as she began to chase after Alex as well.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK!, Now it’s really! THE END! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~