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"No, Gran...we're just staying a week. What? No, in a hotel. Uh huh...yeah, tomorrow morning at eight. Yes, I'll be sure to take lots of pictures of Buckingham Palace. No, I don't think the Queen of England would appreciate me kidnapping Prince William for my grandmother. I promise I'll be careful...Dan won't let anything happen to me and Tracy will be there with us. Yes, I'll call as soon as we get there. I love you too. Ok, bye!" Nichole said as she hung up the phone and stared at the wall.

Her friend Dan had invited her to come to England for a visit this summer. She thought it was only fair to go there this year since he had made the trip to America last summer to visit her. Talking and planning constantly, they finally settled on the third of June. Nikki had convinced her best friend, Tracy, to come along so they could spend more time with each other before Nikki moved off to college in August. Now it's finally the night before they fly over to England.

"Hey Nic, what are you looking at? I've looked at the wall too for the past couple of minutes and I don't see anything unnatural about it...well, maybe that puke shade of green," Tracy commented sarcastically. "Is something wrong? Are you having pre-flight jitters?"

"No. I'm okay. I was just thinking about all that planning that we had to do for this trip. It still seems surreal. I can't believe we're going to England! This is like a dream come true for me! Now I gotta work on fulfilling my other dream...making AJ McLean fall in love with me!" she laughed.

"Yeah, like that'd ever happen!" Tracy scoffed. "Isn't that like a one in a billionth chance of that ever coming true or something?"

"Yeah something like that. You never know though. I guess if you tried really hard, you could make your dreams come true."

"Yeah, okay, whatever!" Tracy rolled her eyes. "Hey, aren't the Backstreet Boys having a concert over there in Birmingham this week?"

"Um...I think I heard something like that over the Internet. They're supposed to be staying over there for a whole week, right?" Nikki raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah!" Tracy got up from the blue inflatable couch and walked over to Nic's BSB posters covering the wall. "We could get tickets, sneak backstage and then we could make these guys fall for us! Then your dream stuff will come true!"

"Tracy isn't that a bit farfetched? I'm sure those shows are sold out by now. All of those 13 year old's parents bought them tickets as soon as they hit the ticket offices!"

"'re right. Hey! It was just a suggestion! I'm sure there are plenty of other options out there for us. Maybe we'll be lucky enough to be staying at the same hotel and then we could meet them! Ooohh...seeing Keving walk barechested down the hall!" Tracy looked up at his image on the wall and sighed dramatically.

Nichole leaned back on the pillows atop her bed and smiled. She and Tracy had been best friends since they were 10 years old when they had met and bonded over their mutual love for the New Kids On The Block. Now, almost 10 years later, they're still together and constantly doing something. They're quite similar in their personalities, with the exception of Tracy being a bit wilder and Nichole being conciencious most of the time. Tracy would do just about anything, and then think of the consequences later, whereas Nic would mull over a decision for days, carefully weighing the pros and cons before doing anything about it. On the other hand, Nic could be just as carefree and wild as her best friend. When she wants to do something totally bizarre, like getting a tattoo or go bungee jumping, nothing will stop her from achieving that goal. She can be quite stubborn at times. Sometimes Tracy will get into a "responsible" phase...usually when Nic becomes a little edgier. Both love music, going to concerts, guys, shopping, Backstreet Boys and just hanging out. They get along great most of the time...just as best friends should!

The similarities end there. They are totally different in their appearances. Tracy is on the short side...short and small. Weighing in at 105 pounds on her 5'0" frame, she attracts alot of people. Mainly members of the male population. It also helps a little since she looks alot like Sarah Michelle Gellar. Nichole is the opposite of Tracy's small petiteness. She's taller than her, 5'6" to be exact. She's not thin...she's a tad overweight. Sometimes it's hard for her to stand next to her teeny tiny best friend and not think of herself as a huge cow or something. Overall, she's pretty comfortable with her image. People compliment her beauty all the time. Tanned skin, brown eyes with flecks of emerald, dark brown hair, and a flirty smile...her features get her noticed alot.

"Should I take this black tank top?" Nikki asked as she held it up.

"Yeah it's totally you. It looks really good with your khaki cargo pants and those cool black Wasabe sandals that you have," Tracy returned her gaze to the BSB poster.

"Okay, what about this dress?"

Tracy sighed as she looked away from the luscious guys. Nichole was holding a bright blue sleeveless tankdress up against her body. It enhanced the hue of her tan and made her berry stained smile stand out. "Yes. I think you should definitely take that along. It looks really good with your complexion and stuff," Tracy said as she observed her friend.

"Good. There's nothing like last minute packing, huh?" Nic asked as she carefully put the dress in her garment bag and zipped it up. "Now, time to get all the shampoo and stuff like that."

"Oh, don't forget to pack that good smelling clove shampoo that you have. I forgot to pack my shampoo, so I'm gonna have to use yours."

"Wonderful. Are you going to have to use my soap and razors too?" Nic rolled her eyes.

"No, I've got that covered," Tracy absently said as she rifled through Nic's cds. "Hey are you going to take this Korn cd?"

"Um...probably not. I'm taking too much already. I thought you had that one," she looked at her expectantly.

"Yeah, well. I forgot to bring it too. Hey, I can only remember so much!" she said indignantly at Nic's stare.

"Did you remember to pack underwear? Toothbrush? Your precious pink lipstick? Those black-"

"Hey, I remembered my lipstick! If I didn't have it, I'd look white and pasty and I definitely don't want that!" Tracy interrupted.

"Okay, whatever. You'd better get it all together tonight, because we're leaving early tomorrow morning. We still have time to get some stuff you've forgotten if you want to go to your house and get it," Nic offered.

"Nah...I can live without that cd. I was hoping that you wouldn't be so stingy with your Aveda shampoo! If I have to, I'll stop at a drugstore over in England when we get there," Tracy pouted as she watched Nic throw the tolietries into the clear, vinyl carry-on bag.

Nichole paused and looked at her friend. "Tracy, I'm not being stingy! Look, I put that shampoo in the bag. And if it'll make you feel better, I'll put that Korn cd with the others. What's mine is yours. I just can't believe you forgot alot of stuff," Nichole furrowed her brow.

"You know what? Me neither! Usually I remember everything I need to take. I guess going to a different country has sort of shaken me up," Tracy said as she sat back down on the inflatable couch. "What time do we have to leave again tomorrow morning?"

"Well, our flight leaves at eight, so I guess we need to leave here about six or something to make it to the airport in time. That means you can't oversleep!" Nichole announced as she threw the last of her bags against the wall. "Since Ronnie has to go to Birmingham in the morning, he said he'd drop us off at the airport."

"Okay. What does he think about the both of us traipsing off to England?"

"Seriously? Well, he thinks we've gone bonkers! But he also understands that we're going to be apart in a few weeks...and he knows that I've always wanted to go to England. He kinda wished he could go," she laughed.

"Yeah I'm sure he'd love that. Following us as we follow the Backstreet Boys all over England? Somehow, I don't exactly understand that," Tracy scoffed.

"Well, I didn't say that he wanted to scope out the BSB. Speaking of which, if fate is on our side and we do meet up with them, which one are you gonna go after?" Nic grinned.

"Hm...probably Brian. He's just so adorable and sweet! How about you? AJ or Nick?"

"Well, I dunno really. I kinda like AJ...I heard that Nick was an ass. But Nick can sing very very well. I love listening to him croon sweetly! But hey, it's not like we're gonna meet them or anything!" Nichole sighed. "But, it'd be nice though, wouldn't it?"

"Yep, it'd kick! You are bringing your BSB cds, right?" Tracy asked worridly. "I kinda forgot those too."

Nic laughed. "Yeah, I packed them. Wanna watch the Hard Rock Fest coverage? I heard that Silverchair and eve6's performances were amazing," she commented as she flopped down on her bed.

"Yeah...I wanna see Live's set. I don't care too much for Silverchair, you know?"

"Yeah, I know. You really suck!" Nic insulted her good naturedly.

"Whatever!" Tracy rolled her eyes and made herself comfortable as Nic turned on the tv.

*British Invasion Home*

*Chapter 2*