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The Wonderful world of the mystical mind of

Rakesh Roberts


Welcome and thanks for visiting this E-place.


For right now you can

  1. Check out my Resume
  2. Look at my pictures (still in process of cleaning up the photographs and linking them in) [Can we say procrastination]
  3. View some of my family photographs (still in progress of scanning in) [Again Can we say procrastination]

One of my current hobbies (hopefully for a long long long time) is Swing dancing. What can be said about that wonderful form of dance. Its fun. Its energetic. And with the right partner the dancing moments can be magical. I love to dance both east coast and west coast swing.

Lindy hop is a wonderful sect of swing dancing. Its fun, can be paced (either fast or slow), breaks the monotony of east coast swing. Lindy hop is something that started in New York which is a style of swing dancing that originated about the time Charles Lindberg crossed the Atlantic. I try my very best to keep up with my swing dancing schedule.

I recently auditioned for a spot as a dancer in a dinner theater as the Asbury Methodist Church in Madison for the part of a swing dancer.

I am not a master at swing dancing, but one day I hope to be half as good as Frankie Manning.

Swing Dance Locations in Huntsville

  1. Hog Wild (Near Huntsville Times)
  2. The Jazz Factory (every Thursday Night)

Swing Dance Locations in Birmingham

  1. 5 points music hall - Every Thursday night from 8 to 11 pm
    Unfortunately 5 Points closed its door to swing dancing. The reason they sited was the attendance and bar sales of the club were next to nothing during the swing dancing times.
  2. There are a few more locations in and around Birmingham - I am unaware of where they are at the moment. If you do know of these places, write me an email.

Swing Dance Locations and Clubs in Nashville

  1. The Nashville Swing Kids
    Ever 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month, the Nashville Swing Kids host a swing dance. The fee for the dance is usually about $5. When they host a live band it usually runs from $6-8.

I used to chat a lot online but these days i chat very little as my schedule is very hectic. I currently help someone run a retail store. This has provided me with an added insight into people and customers. I have reached i think a point in my life where i rather would like to find and define how my life would be heading out.

Future plans:

  1. Start my own company.
    If I do start my own company. This plan has become closer and closer than possible.
  2. Pick Up Tango
  3. Pick up cha cha cha
  4. Pick up some Latin dancing.
  5. Get a Zoot Suit

Companies Worked for:

  1. Bellsouth International Wireless Services (BSIWS)
    I worked for them in 99 and It was by far the best experience I have had in the commercial field.
    While I was with BSIWS I worked on a few new technologies like DCOM/COM components.
  2. Litton PRC
    This position was an eye opener to the commercial world. I programmed a lot with Visual C++ to create some pretty decent apps.
  3. The University of Alabama at Huntsville at the Intelligent Systems Lab
    Here is where is get a lot of well deserved experience.
I also do take on sub contracts on the side just to make sure that i do not have an idle mind. The kind of work I subcontract for is mostly programming but on several occasions I have set up networks and procured equipment and software.

I have also built machine's (PC's) for friends. Yes now you can get machines in the stores like Best Buy and Circuit City for or close to what it would take to assemble one but when you assemble a machine you know that you have better quality parts in that machine. Well really its just a trade off between that and the software bundles that come with the new machines.

I am (rather my brother is) an Intel Dealer. I can and do frequently acquire parts from Intel, ranging from Mother boards to processors. But usually this is done in bulk.


This website is under construction. I do not believe personal website can ever be completed. For the very fact that life always goes on . If I ever complete this website, I probably would be living a very boring life and doing nothing but existing.