Christians United Press, June 2003, Page 1
Volume IV, Issue VI                     ON THE WEB:                     June 2003
"But we give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word." Acts 6:4
Bishop Hamon and his wife, Evelyn

Bishop Bill and Evelyn Hamon
by: Jan Hicks

Beginning as a correspondence Bible College in 1968, Christians International or ‘CI’ has grown as they strive to serve Jesus around the world. Dr. Bill Hamon is the founder and Bishop of Christian International which includes, CI Network of Churches, Covenant Partners, CI Education Network, CI Business Network, CI Family Church in Florida, CI Headquarters in Indiana (CI Family Worship Center), International Headquarters in India, England, Japan, Australia, Ethiopia, and Canada. He oversees hundreds of schools around the world training and activating saints in the gifts. Bishop Hamon has functioned as a pastor, evangelist, teacher, prophet, and apostle. His calling is one of a Prophet-Apostle. He is the apostle over the worldwide ministries of CI. The author of several books, he has also written numerous bible college courses, and the Manual For Ministering Spiritual Gifts. Check out their web site at: or call: 1-800-388-5308 for more information.

     Dr. Bill & Evelyn Hamon have been married 48 years and have co-labored for almost 50 years. They have three married children, (who are all ordained ministers with CINC), 11 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Their grown children are three of the 20 couples who serve as Bishop Hamon's Board of Governors. Christian International wants to enhance your God-given gifts and callings.
      Bishop Hamon says he was not raised in a Christian home, in fact, he claims his background is “American heathen”! Bishop Hamon was saved at the age of 16. He has had the privilege of introducing Jesus not only to his parents but many of his relatives and love ones.
      When asked about prayer, Bishop Hamon responds with, “Nothing is done on earth without prayer. It’s a universal law of God. You have not because you ask not and God will not do anything by Himself. He wants human instruments. Some say man’s got a free will, yes, but every time I get in an airplane, strap myself in when that plane takes off, it does not destroy the law of gravity, it supercedes it with the law of thrust and lift. As soon as someone starts praying for you that gives God the legal right to take the law of prayer and supercede your will by starting to put pressure on you to come into the things of God. Also, if you’re praying and you don’t know what the word says, then you’re not going to have the faith for it because faith comes by the word of God. Prayer is the most powerful instrument we have.”

(continued on page 3)
Meet Dee Vaught
by: Jan Hicks

     Dee Vaught is just precious. If you missed the last ladies prayer luncheon you missed a sweet time of teaching as well as a wonderful time of prayer. Dee shared the parable of the five wise and five foolish virgins. You think you’ve heard this taught many times but Dee, through the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, opened our eyes to see in a better way. Dee felt the Lord nudge her as she was preparing to teach and heard Him say, “Tell them I’m coming soon. Tell them to have oil in their lamps and their wicks trimmed.”
      Dee and her husband, Ray, are members of the Cleansing Stream Team, Safe Haven, which is a Healing House model, and is certified through Abundant Life Ministries in inner healing. She has a heart to minister to the wounded and see the captives set free. Jesus is the example that she desires to follow in accordance with Luke 4:18. Below is an excerpt from her recent teaching.
 &nsp;    “One thing I want to make sure is that I’m not teaching salvation by works. ‘Eph 2:8-10 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9not of works, lest anyone should boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.’ The ‘clincher’ here is that after salvation, there really should be a noticeable change in our lives, although it is a lifetime process.

(continued on page 3)
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