Christians United Press, June 2002, Page 1
Volume III, Issue VI                     ON THE WEB:                     June 2002
"But we give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word." Acts 6:4

Meet Bishop
Larry Jackson
by: Jan Hicks

     Bishop Larry Jackson, born and raised in Richmond, Virginia, now lives in Charlotte, North Carolina with his wife and five daughters. Bishop Jackson says, “We were church goers as children. Godparents kept us active in church. Until you have a real experience with the Lord; it’s just a church experience. I was doing church, not Jesus.”
      When asked about his salvation experience he said, “During a time of struggle, I cried out and Jesus was there, ‘He’ is faithful. I had a visitation experience where the Shekinah type glory of God came into a room that was completely dark. He came in there to let me know He was real as I cried out to Him. I had a Grandmother that told me ‘when you really get serious about God, really get into trouble, just cry out and He will be there’ and He was. I was in my 20’s and this was all I needed to get turned around. I just kept pressing into the faith of God. This is when I met Bishop Wellington Boone who became by spiritual mentor. He poured into us our need to be in the faith of God. For years we had prayer at 5 a.m. in the morning which lasted until about 7 o’clock everyday. We slept in on Saturday’s, we went in at 6! This was a mentoring time of understanding that if you’re going to find God, you go after Him, seek His face, then you can find Him.”
      Bishop Jackson is a national speaker, actively involved with Promise Keepers, giving men a passion for prayer. He is the founder of ‘Frontliners’, a men’s ministry set up using a military type structure. Bishop Jackson says, “Men have been sold a bill of goods that behind every great man is a good woman. They have been sold that bill of goods

from Hell. When I preach I say that came from Hell, that won’t set. No woman is behind Jesus making Him great. Jesus is behind His wife, making her great! Jesus said, ‘Greater things shall she do than even He did’. When you understand that mentality, you try to help her be greater than you.”
      Bishop Jackson states, “Being a Pastor I know the need of having men around me praying. Our ministry is designed to teach men to take the responsibility to pray for their pastor, their family and also teaches them how to do that. This is all prayer laced, you can’t do this without prayer. Guys who fall, we have to restore and strengthen. We have to get the enemy out of their lives and if they are not skilled in knowing how to use the weapons of warfare ‘through prayer’, then they are not going to do anything effective. We also target areas for prayers. This is a movement, not just a ministry. Cross denominational, cross racial, fully across, not partial. We are effecting every denomination and every culture. We are praying against those issues.”
      From the home page of the web site; it states, “Every man in the Christian church has been called to a very special place in the Body of Christ. He has been given the responsibility of being a leader in his home, his church, and in his community. However, many Christian men understand this mentally but have not practically applied this Biblical principal in their lives. The role of being a leader does not entail the abuse/misuse of authority relative to the treatment of women and children. It is also not a place where a man is served but one of servant leadership. A “true” Man of God serves his family and strives to make them greater than he is in the Kingdom. Frontliners Men’s Ministry is designed to help men reach their maximum leadership potential in the Lord!
      Bishop Jackson’s advice regarding prayer: He says, “I tell men all the time that they are very serious about the protection of their homes and their families. They will not let anybody attack their homes and their families. They forget a lot of times that they are the first in the line of defense spiritually for their households. If they aren’t warring, and sending their wives and children to the prayer service,

this allows their wives and children to lead spiritually. They are putting them on the front lines. No wonder we are having issues with our children and issues with our spouses because we have them doing ‘fighting’ and we are at home looking at sports and playing golf or whatever. We haven’t taken our warriors position. Most churches aren’t designed for men because women have been the ones who’ve been in place. Pastors have not been able to depend on men. I try to get men to get back to church for one and be the leader of their homes. They need to learn how to lead their families. I would suggest first that he connect himself to somebody who has a heart for prayer. He’s got to do that. It’s more caught than taught!”
      When asked what pastors should do, Bishop says, “Realize they are the men’s ministry leader and to pour their lives into their men. Even if they have a men’s ministry leader in place, they are ultimately the men’s ministry leader and that person is their assistant.”
      When asked about his vision, Bishop Jackson states, “I’ve joined in with Promise Keepers to get 100,000 men as prayer leaders in their churches. Our plan also is to get a million hours of prayer logged on our web site. We want to get focused prayer, target areas, go after God and see how many hours we can log.”
      When asked what he would say to a man who says he doesn’t know how to pray, he states, “I tell him to talk to the Father like he talks to me or anyone else. Like he has conversation with his family, friends, he should have conversation with the Father.” What would he tell a man regarding how long he should pray, he says, “Until he’s finished!”
      Men, make sure you check out his web site at: Bringing men to the front line of what God is doing. The purpose is to help men be accountable daily to other men corporately. Men join the site, read a daily devotional which keeps them in the

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