Christians United Press, January 2003, Page 1
Volume IV, Issue I                     ON THE WEB:                     January 2003
"But we give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word." Acts 6:4

Happy Holidays!

<---Front Row, left to right: Son Kevin holding Hannah 4 mos, Lauren 5, son Jeremy, Ashton 9, Drew 9, Son-in-law Joe, in front of them: Echo 3, Duncan 3. Back Row: Daughter-in-law Roxie (Kevin’s wife), Don’s sister Dianne, Don, Jan, and daughter Stacey holding Daniella 2. Jan and Don Hicks (pictured right). --->

     As we end another year at Christians United Ministries, Inc. (CUMI), I can’t help but think of the many lives Jesus allowed us to touch throughout the year. Many hurting hearts called, wrote or stopped us in a store, in a restaurant, or out on the streets seeking comfort through prayer and a listening ear. Many of you were able to share with us testimonies of being able to give Jesus to others through prayer and loving them to the cross. As I placed the picture of our family on this page I thought of those in our family already gone, moved in with Jesus. Many of you grieved over the loss of loved ones this year too. I thought many of you reading this had no family to share with, how hurts, discord, distention, tore families apart. I thought of the countless phone calls or letters of parents crying for their children to come home, or children crying for their parents to get off drugs, alcohol, and for marriages to be restored. Suicide intervention was more frequent than we would care to count. Many opportunities came to pray, encourage through the word, and the love of Christ. We then would to receive calls or letters filled with the joy and happiness of the miracle workings of Jesus, restoring, reconciling love ones, bringing salvation to the lost, healing to the brokenhearted, and

and the sick in body.
     Christians United Ministries desires for everyone to surrender their lives to Jesus, that’s our main goal as we pray for the many needs. We have been blessed this year to add so many to our prayer team all around the world, hundreds of thousands. We aren’t able to count the number of those connected with us through this circle of prayer. As we grow and touch the lives of others you can have a great part in this ministry too. Every prayer you uplift, every dollar you send helps us help others. We were able to bless several families at Christmas with gift boxes filled with food and a gift card for their families. We had a wonderful fall prayer conference where revelation knowledge came to several that made a commitment to grow deeper in the knowledge of Christ. Our monthly prayer luncheons continue to bless as we grow in the word and encourage through prayer.
          In 2003 we want to expand even more and offer more avenues of help and encouragement. We will need your continued support to do

that also. We need your prayers, and we need volunteers. Soon we will be giving you an opportunity to become a monthly pledge partner. We ask that you now begin to pray over your decision to help. CUMI wants to do more and will through the grace of Jesus Christ. Pray with us as we focus on 2003, on souls, on helping hurting hearts and being more available as we are called or written for prayer. Pray for doors to open as we may go into churches, organizations and schools to share our testimony, encourage prayer teams and individuals.
      Thank you again, all of you, for your part in keeping Christians United Ministries, Inc. going strong. You have a part, a reward, in everything we do.
     I pray the love of Jesus Christ and HIS presence fills you hearts and homes this holiday season and everyday of this coming year.

Till Jesus comes,

jan hicks
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