Volume II, Issue I                     ON THE WEB:                     January 2001
"But we give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word." Acts 6:4

What a wonderful 2000 we had, but that is yesterday’s manna, and as I look back on the yesterdays, I draw strength from them for today and use the experience to prepare for tomorrow. Jesus has done such a mighty work in this ministry this past year and without a doubt, as our eyes stay focused on Him, HE will do a greater work in this new millennium. Don and I have watched the hand of God over us in our personal lives as well as in Christians United Ministries. Our personal blessings have ranged from salvation of love ones, new grandbabies, to even to a new home being given to us this coming year. I personally have had the pleasure of being given the gift of travel among many other blessings from the Lord. In October I was able to join with Shielah Driscoll in Portland, Oregon as we were able to minister to many hurting hearts. Then in November I was able to join with Evangelist Perry Stone and many others traveling through the Holy Land gaining strength in the presence of the Lord. I did none of these things on my own but through the grace of Jesus Christ. Not one penny of ministry money was spent on either of these trips, although the ministry benefited greatly from them both. The Lord placed it in the heart of my son to fly me to Portland and a precious sister in Christ flew me to Israel and love offerings just started coming in to me personally to pay for the extras. That’s GOD!!!! The new home we will be building this year came as quite a surprise when my mother decided to bless us with an early inheritance gift because we needed more room to continue this ministry and a bigger place to meet. WOW!!! That’s GOD!!!

When this ministry began, officially Aug. 4, 1999, we had a lot of changes in our lives, financially, mentally and spiritually as we waited for the Lord’s instructions as to what we were to do. Our growth in Him has been amazing as He has taught us so many things and has

From the Desk Of:
Jan Hicks

taken us to a new height, a ‘step’ closer to the glory of HIM. HE has provided ALL of our needs; no bill has gone unpaid, personally through love gifts, as well as in the ministry through your faithful giving. Each and every month faithful saints have sent in monthly pledges or one time gifts that have ALWAYS been just enough to cover all the ministry expenses and we thank you for your giving hearts. The Lord has mighty plans for HIS work to be done through this ministry. HE knows the costs, and HE will send it in. We appreciate every pledge, whether it is $5.00 a month, less or more, every penny is spent as wisely as we know how. Some of you have given cases of paper products or equipment that was needed and we thank you. Thank you, all of you that have given to us through your prayers to further ‘HIS’ ministry. We count on the volunteers who come every Monday to stuff, lick, stamp, and fold prayer requests and/or newsletters. This is not a one-person job, but a cooperate merging of many hearts to see HIS plan completed. We have had the blessings of many miracles, many, many praise reports, but the greatest miracle of all, salvation, has been the greatest blessing to be a part of. Many lives have been changed through the hand of Jesus Christ as HE’s used this ministry, the newsletters, and your prayers to move the hearts of those in need.

We were able to deliver 5 gift boxes with non-perishable items, fruit, vegetables and a Winn Dixie Gift Certificate at Christmas because of your giving spirit. We have hundreds of thousands of prayer partners internationally that receive requests daily to lift to the throne of God in prayer. Over 650 prayer groups joined with us in the month of October alone. Jesus has blessed me with the opportunity to share my testimony and who Jesus is in me at different churches and denominations and I thank Him for that Honor. I could go on and on of what HE has done and plans to do in the upcoming year. His mercy and grace does endure forever and again I send my deepest love and my heartfelt blessings to all of you who continue to support Christians United Ministries. I ask you to pray for us more than ever in this upcoming year that we will be led by Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit in every decision we make regarding the work ‘HE’ wants done. May we all be the obedient servants HE has called us to be as we reach out to the highways and byways and do our part in bringing the lost to the cross. Jesus IS coming soon, we not only must be ready, but we must do all we can to make sure everyone else is too. God Bless You. Happy New Year.

In Him, His servant,


Editor's Note:

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