Christians United Press, December 2002, Page 1
Volume III, Issue XII                     ON THE WEB:                     December 2002
"But we give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word." Acts 6:4
Highlights from CUMI's November Ladies' Luncheon
by: Jan Hicks

     "What do you want me to do for you today?" was the question Lynne Stallworth said the Lord awoke her with earlier that morning and she knew that was what HE wanted us to think about, to meditate on, then to move on.

Lynne Stallworth
Lynne Stallworth

     Lynne has such a heart to teach and minister the Word, which was obvious to all attending the luncheon. She was very sensitive to the Holy Spirit who was so sweet as HIS presence swept our time of study and prayer. Manifestation of the Holy Spirit was ever so present as Jesus ministered to those with hungry hearts who have such a desire to receive more of Him.
      We prayed that revival would begin with us that very day, that the Holy Spirit would fill us to overflowing, fill us with a hunger for Him, to restore our soul, increase finances, and that the desires of our hearts would be granted. The title of Lynne’s message was, Let us drink from the well that never runs dry.” And we truly drank from the well of His love that day.
     Jesus ministered to new Christians and mature Christians as lives were changed, burdens were lifted, and bodies were healed. Jesus showed us the signs and miracles that He said would follow those that believe. What an awesome luncheon we had.

      We were blessed to have Lynne with us and thankful that she has an open ear to hear His voice and to share Him with all those who will listen.
      Lynne is an experienced teacher of the Word of God. Her special ministry is in emotional wholeness and maturing the body of Christ. Lynne teaches that if we will seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, all that we need will be given to us. (Matt 6:33 paraphrased).

     Lynne is a graduate of Word ministries Learning Center in Atlanta, Georgia. She attended Newberry College of Commerce in Florence, South Carolina. She also has a degree in interior design from the Chicago School of Interior Design. Lynne performs Christian dancing and is presently retired from owning and operating dance studios throughout the South. Lynne is a former president of Aglow International. She has taught Bible studies and has been a guest on radio and national television programs. Lynne is the mother of two daughters, one son, and a grandson. She and her husband Mark, a singer, now reside and attend a local church in Foley, Alabama.

For speaking engagements or information, you may contact Lynne at: 251-955-2420

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