Christians United Press, April 2003, Page 1
Volume IV, Issue IV                     ON THE WEB:                     April 2003
"But we give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word." Acts 6:4
Jonnie Perotta


     Jonnie Perrotta is just precious. If you missed the last luncheon, you missed a wonderful teaching and the sweet presence of the Lord as we shared communion with HIM and each other.
     Jonnie’s love of the Lord just flows from her as she shares who HE is. She says she has much to learn and is in process daily. One of the ways of understanding Him even better is to understand where He came from, His culture.
      Haven’t we all at one time asked about our parents roots? Where do we come from? Jesus is our Daddy, He is our Father, and should we not want to know more? How did He live and what are the traditions of my brothers/sisters of the past?’ Jonnie wanted those answers too so she began to study. She says, “God dropped a love in my heart for Israel and the Jewish people, I began to study, so I am on a journey, we are all on a journey.”
      As Jonnie began to share, the truth of Passover started to unfold before us, the richness of discovering more about Jesus. Jonnie shares, “Paul said to the church that it is not the church that supports the branch, we are the branch, we are grafted in, it’s the roots that support the branch, and we get nourishment from our roots.” Romans 11:18.
      Jonnie shared many things; I’ll

just mention a few. Learning about our roots, we can see Jesus all through the Old Testament which makes my heart burden and pray for the Jews to be able to see Jesus too. For instance as Jonnie says, “It was no accident that God in the Old Testament specified the time of day the Passover lamb should die. On the same day the lambs were killed, Jesus of the New Testament was crucified. Josephus, the historian records that the particular year that Jesus died, the priests had many lambs to sacrifice, 256,500. They began the process at 9 a.m. and finished precisely at 3 p.m., the 9th hour. As the people in the temple were praising God for deliverance from Egypt, Jesus died for their complete and total deliverance. He cried out…”It is Finished.”
      Jonnie continues, “The unleavened bread that is used by the Jews for Passover represents Christ. Unleavened bread in the New Testament is the body of Jesus, the ‘Bread of Life’. Jesus was born in Bethlehem. In Hebrew, Bethlehem means, ‘House of Bread’. God fed the Israelites in the Wilderness with Manna from Heaven. He feeds the Christians in the world today on the Bread of Life-Jesus. The very piece of bread used by the Jews during the week of unleavened bread is a good picture of Jesus. The Jewish Matzoh is striped…by His stripes we are healed. It is pierced… ‘they shall look upon Me, whom they have pierced’. It is pure, without leaven, as Jesus’ body was without sin. In the Passover ceremony there is a breaking and burying and then a resurrecting of the middle piece of this bread. This represents the Son Jesus in the Trinity. God performed the

exact ceremony with the burial of Jesus, our precious piece of unleavened bread on the exact day of the feast.” Jonnie shared so beautifully the sacrifice. Jesus bled on the inside for our iniquities, His hands were pierced and His feet were nailed onto the cross. His head was vertical towards God, His hands toward mankind. His heart was between His head and His hands. Our heart must be towards God and towards man also.” Jonnie says, “Understanding of the Jewish culture has much to offer us, we have things to talk to our Jewish brothers about.”
      There is so much more, I pray that this encourages you to start a study of your own. You will be amazed, you will become excited, and you will not be able to get enough of the Word when it becomes so alive to you.
      At our next luncheon, Thursday, April 17th, we will watch a Jewish wedding video as Perry Stone explains the symbolism of the wedding to Christ, His crucifixion and resurrection. If you’ve never heard this teaching, it’s enlightening, do try to come.
      If you would like a tape of Jonnie Perrotta’s teaching, you may contact CUMI and we will send you one. If you are in the Baldwin county area and would like to meet Jonnie, you may do so at her unique gift shop in Fairhope, Al on Section Street, appropriately named Jonnie’s!

CUMI is praying you and yours a blessed day in the Lord as we remember HIS sacrifice for our sins
on First Feasts Day! (Easter)
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