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"Even the smallest star in the class shines in the darkness."Treasures For Teachers

Mobile's Sand Island Lighthouse
Photographed by Tim Touchton

See some cool animal, people, bands and other photos. Links to XBXRX, Pain, Geraldine Fibbers, Mike Watt, Nels Cline and local (Mobile & Pensacola and far off) bands and other stuff. Make sure you check out Nicki the World Famous Dog and her Amazing Stories.
Thanks for visiting, Videopic.

My home page will consist of some photos, quotes, thoughts, etc. of mine. I will try to update it from time to time. I hope you enjoy the photos. I am a Christian and believe that Jesus is my personal Lord and Savior. I do sin because I am in the weak human flesh, but I don't want to sin. If you don't have a personal relationship with Christ and talk to Him often, then you need to do so. You have NOTHING to lose and an ETERNITY to gain.

Love your children with all your heart and raise them with all your soul. They are a gift from God.

"Children need someone to lean on, a shoulder to cry on, an example to learn from." Treasures For Teachers

Come see some favorite Band Photos of mine and other stuff.

Come see some favorite Non-Band (Personal) Photos of mine.

Check out some of my Favorite movies and television shows.

Some Really Cool Links.

Nicki the Dog Stories.

This site last updated on 08-01-99!

Please E-Mail Me If You Like My Site!
