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Favorite Chatters

In no particular order
Vixen - Ok, so I've seen her half nude a few big deal. Who hasn't? She's not shy about letting pple in her door with pants and her bra on. lol

§wÈêT~LáDÿ - She's the funnest person to be around. I love her to death! Plays Clarinet in the band

Black Hawk - He's an awesome programmer. Really cool.

Kaji - Webmaster for Opp High School. Kool

Lil Thug Girl - Just don't think about ANYTHING in church, ok? HAHA. Oh yea, roll tide. =-Þ

98-Heat - One of my newest friends on ICQ

Haplo - Superkip! hehe

Danny - Works as a tech for the Pensacola Naval Hospital. He's really kool.

giggles - Hey Nae-Nae! hehehe

Guitarman - One of §wÈêT~LáDÿ's net buddies. He's kool.

Stardust - Uhm, not much to say. U would have to meet her to know. LOL

«¤T£mp£§T¤» - I go to school with him. He's one of the koolest pple I know.

~*®Ï£ê¥*~ - She's really fun to talk with

Neo - I go to school with him. He's kinda weird, but cool

ZiM - This d00d is the supreme god of HTML. Really cool

~¤MiLeS¤~ - We hit the computer stores on the weekends and make fun of certain people. CALL A COP! hahaha

*Buttercup* - She's short, scrawny, short, short.....short. *lol* She's really kool

~*§K¡PPëR*~ - She's never online anymore and when she is she's in N/A on ICQ.

Levity - Just face it, James..You're never gonna get laid. hehe j/k

-=MaNnY=- - This d00d is the graphics/hack god. He's my hookup. hehehe

Adam Sandler - I go to school with him too. He is one messed up individual. hehe

Jenna Bug =Þ - She's da bomb y'all. hehe

critter - Her real name is Ashley, but all of us call her Critter.

ÐÌGΆã GHا† {HÜ} - This d00d is really good with HTML too. Leader of §†§

Pokey - She's really cool. I go to school with her. She acts like a crackhead alot, but then again, so do I. hehe

lollypop - I go to school with her too. She's kool.

Lone Star - Was the Associate Director for my high school band since my freshman year. We all miss ya Mr. Burke!

Dr. Homey G. Pimp - I go to school with him. He's pretty good with HTML

MaD_HaTtEr - Plays Snare Drum in the band and is cool

onemajor - Director of the Foley High School Band

Czarina - I go to school with her...always calls me "Sethie". hehe

suzy-q - One of my freaky (in a good way) friends from school

~*~ßÅrßiÊ~*~ - Really cool and fun to talk with.

~Åñge£ in Ðîsgûise~ - know you are dumb. *lol* j/k

«Çhåmë£êöñ» - Goes to school with me. Good with graphics and HTML. He's kool.

Deep Dreamer - Hrm, can't really describe her....she's too weird ;p

iÐiøT - I think he's the only person that comes close to my level of screwed-up-ness.

$îðê§h¤wßøß - Plays Baritone in the band. He's one of the funniest pple I know.

`Unicorn - Met her on IRC. She just moved to about 10 minutes away from me. Nice lady :)

CoverGirl/19 - She's a model for GK. One of the sweetest pple I have met.

Cybertrotr - Plays Trumpet in the band. She's absolutely nuts. hehe

ErAsEr - Hey Dana! Whos yer daddi! hah

Farmer Jon - Seek help Kevin. hehe

ÐÜ-®ÅÝ - Hey little man whassup? hehe nah this is Kenneth. He's §wÈêT~£áÐÿ's lil bro. Kool kid.

Fire_Frogg - I have one thing to say to you: bubble bubble. hah

g - Hey Garrett. Watch out for those deer, man. hehehe

Mikl - This guy is kool. He's president of the I Drool Over Lexi Club. hehe

Princess - Sara plays Clarinet in the band. She's a really kool person.

Short Stuff - Hey Amy! The zoo called.....your cage is ready ;p love ya!

~*joanna*~ - Plays Clarinet in the band also. Heya loser ;)

IRC Chatters

I run an IRC server on the RebelChat IRC Network, Tydirium.RebelChat.Org. I know alot of people on there so I decided to make a section just for my IRC pple.

cHoNg` - Even tho my r33t skillz own him. hah yea right.

GravtyKlz - He's good with scripting and services. He's pretty kool.

Mav - lol this guy is my co-admin...he's a real trip.

Timmy - One of my Operators on my server. He's a great person.

ceyerra - Channel Mistress of #casual. She's really nice :)

lilday - Plz, don't drink and IRC ;p

Sunny^ - Has given me the nickname 'Vagachicken'. lol

jetset - A flight attendant from the UK. Really funny :)

Xelco - Usually doesn't say much, so pple think he's a bot. hehe