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Phriends v 3.4

I've put a diffrent list of phriends and phriend links on every page I've done. This aint no diffrent.=)

I.Flak-He IS the man. (is it 4:20 yet?)

II.Ben-My former GA bud. Hows it in Foley?

III.Jennifer-We're friends!=)

IV.Lacey in the Sky With Diamonds=)-hey Lacey!

V.Rach!-i'll update the page oneday=) Whats the password?

VI.Michelle-shes pretty Michelle like... You know?

VII.Space Girls!- To all of yall i actually know=)

VIII.The Edge- alota U2 fans out tonite,huh?=)

IX.~*sHAy*~-Met her on ICQ, shes a pretty kewl girl. (for a girl...)

X.Craig- He can blow up your computer using only a banana peel, a toothpick, and a Rebel flag..Oh wait, thats McGyver.... Criag can do it with just the Rebel flag....

XI.Patches-Shes a girl...

XII.Setting Sun- Hey baby, whats with the sky writtings?*looks confused*

XIII.Lauren-Eve Lazer-Lauren!=)

You want my email??? to bad.