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  • "What in the name of Great Caesar's salad"
  • "What in the name of Samuel Hill"
  • "what in the name of Marco Blessed Polo"
  • "What in the name of Sweet Fanny Adams"
  • "Where in the name of Carrie's Corset"
  • "Great Mother Mcree"
  • "sufferin' sheepdip"
  • "sufferin' saddlesoap"
  • "jumping jompers!"
  • "pig feathers"
  • "bull cookies"
  • "cow cookies"
  • "beaver biscuits"
  • "pony pucks"
  • "pigeon pellets"
  • "buffalo bagels"
  • "monkey muffins"
  • "mule fritter"
  • "horse hockey"
