Enter The World of Majikalone!!!
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Enter The World of Majikalone!!!

Majikal Links

Oh My Goddess!! - cool animations and screensavers with a pagan touch.
Magical Places- An incredible site about travel to magical and mystical places.
Robin Wood's LivingTree Grove - Out of this world animations and .gifs.
Majikalone's Free Stuff Page - Enjoy and Blessed Be!!!

Hail All and Merry Meet!!! Thanks for stopping by... This is a Pagan and Wiccan site devoted to following the Path of the Goddess. We are ALWAYS "under construction", so please check back often... No matter what path you follow, rejoice in new beginnings, and the coming of the new Season...Celebrate Life!!!
I hope everyone is enjoying this glorious Season, and I wish brightest blessings to all of my new visitors, as well as to my old and dear friends. I am in the process of revising my site, updating links and whatnot, so bear with me... The New Millennium is in full swing and my hope for all is that the coming Seasons will be even more bountiful than the last!!! The countdown to the year 2004 is nearly complete, and society is becoming better attuned to the natural and supernatural happenings all around. Be happy in this wonderous new century, and be assured that the Goddess in her Wisdom will watch over all her children. Let it be our reponsibility to take care of Mother Earth as she cares for us, and to do what we can to make our Planet cleaner, safer, and more habitable for generations to come.
Blessed Be!!!
Onyx Dimensions is now House Shadow Drake!!! Many Thanks go to Lady Kytheriea of House Shadow Drake for her gracious gift to Majikalone...the beautiful banner that tops each of my pages in this site!!! Visit House Shadow Drake for more of her original artwork... Blessed Be!!!

Visit Majikalone's Free Stuff Page!!! Click on the rose for more Pagan/Wiccan Links, Lore, and some really cool downloads. I am sure everyone will find something to enjoy!!!

Animations and graphics of Moon, Silver Pentacle and Spinning Pentagram done by "© Robin Wood; Used with Permission" .To visit her LivingTree Grove site, and experience many more beautiful animated and still .gifs, please refer to the link in "Majikal Links"
Member of the Pagan WebCrafters' Association!!!

Majikalone is Proud to be listed in The Witches Voice!!!

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