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 Kudzu  and the World

My particular corner of the world is Alabama. When you visit, you'll probably see lots of camellias--the camellia is our state flower. Years ago, the goldenrod was our State Flower, but somehow, the native goldenrod fell out of favor and was replaced by a refined, showier import that didn't make folks sneeze. Another import you'll see a lot of is kudzu -- We are pretty much covered in kudzu! Kudzu is a contradictory plant- it was imported to control erosion, which it did quite well. And it is pretty, with sweet-smelling purple flowers. It has gotten out of control, though, and now creeps its way across roads, up power poles, drapes itself over telephone lines, and has become a general nuisance. Legend has it that if you go to sleep with your windows open, it will smother you in your sleep!

We also have an official Alabama reptile - The Alabama red-bellied turtle.  We have a state nut, too- lots of folks have an opinion about the state nut- some people think the State Legislature is full of  nuts, but officially, the state nut is the pecan - no matter what you've heard about the legislators.

There's much to love about Alabama. We have friendly people, beautiful scenery, good food, good football. We have rolling, fertile farmland and sun-kissed Gulf Coast beaches, mountains and hills, miles of rivers, acres of lakes, and some great fishing. We have beautiful quaint little towns , and modern cities. We have worked hard to attract new industry to our state, and state leaders point to the new Mercedes plant near Tuscaloosa as a sign that Alabama is a world-class competitor in attracting new business.

Learn more about Alabama by clicking below- This is just a start, and I hope to expand the site to cover even more information, so bear with me and check back often.  If you have any suggestions or comments, please e-mail me.  Enjoy your visit!
General Information Major Cities Other Alabama Sites
 Alabama Statistics   Birmingham   Alabama Attractions
 State Government   Huntsville    B'ham. Post-Herald 
 Education   Mobile   B'ham. Public Library 
Employment  Montgomery   Alabama On-Line 

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